Saturday, September 11, 2004

iView MediaPro 2.6 - converts iPhoto libraries?

iView MediaPro Weblog » New Release: iView MediaPro 2.6 (Windows, Mac)
New 'Getting Started' dialog includes option to convert iPhoto libraries as well as links to online learning resources.

Here's what the manual says:
Mac: In the Getting Started dialog, check Import iPhoto Library. MediaPro will automatically find the iPhoto library for the active operating system user, launch iPhoto in the background and import all original photos into a new catalog. This feature only works with versions 2 and 4 of iPhoto.

The new catalog contains references to your photo files that are still inside the iPhoto library folders. If you wish to move these files out of the iPhoto library, you can select all the images in the catalog and select Transfer to Folder in the Action menu. Choose Move files, reset paths, delete orginals. This will move your original images to a folder of your choice, sets the paths to the new location and delete the images from your iPhoto library.

To free up additional hard drive space, you could delete all the proxy images (thumbnails) created by iPhoto. To do this, simply trash the iPhoto Library folder from the Pictures folder. Or you could leave them where they are and have media in both iPhoto and iView MediaPro.

The new MediaPro catalog will also containsyour iPhoto albums as MediaPro Catalog Sets (in the Organize Panel). Your catalog also contains any metadata (such as EXIF digital camera data, comments or keywords) that were assigned to your images in iPhoto. The chart above details how iPhoto annotations map to iView MediaPro annotation fields.

Sounds very interesting. It leaves iPhoto pictures in place to start with, so it's easy to experiment with. This is a big deal, until now iPhoto has been a one way street. Since iView MediaPro runs on Windows too, it's potentially a way to move iPhoto content to Windows.

Update: I imported a 900 image iPhoto Library. It took an hour or so, but it did a nice job. I think one loses image sequence from albums. Also many images which I'd rotated now were malrotated. I think this may be related to a bug with Image Capture -- it duplicates the EXIF orientation tag and creates conflicting values there.

This is indeed very interesting. I may allow me to have a single view into ALL of my iPhoto Libraries for example.

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