Monday, March 14, 2005

DCOM 10021 - one answer, but it's not free!

Windows XP: dcom error on xp after upgrade

My WinXP SP2 event monitor shows regular occurences of DCOM 10021 error. I figured this would be easy to track down on the net, but the ONLY possible answer is at the Experts-Exchange site. That site used to be free, but it costs money now.


The public net has failed me!

The only clue is that it may be related to upgrading a Win2K Pro machine to XP Pro.

Update: I should have scrolled down below the ads. Looks like Experts-Exchange does post the answers after a while. The link referred me to Looks like this will be a pain to hunt down. Of course Microsoft's support site had nothing -- hmph.

Update 2: This is looking better. The EventID site is very useful, unfortunately it's part of the "invisible net" (not accessible to search engines). I don't have McAfee installed, but these descriptions are interesting:
If you have a McAfee product installed and you have recently applied Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2, then see the link to "McAfee Support Solution ID: KB37954" for information on how to resolve this problem.

Eric Ritchie (Last update 12/15/2004):
I found this error to be a DCOM issue resulting from improper Launch and Activation permissions for the McAfee Framework Service in DCOM configuration. To resolve the issue, I searched for the registry key mentioned in the event description (which turned out to be McAfee's Framework Service). I then opened the Component Services Administrative Tool, and opened the properties of DCOM Config.\Framework Service under Computers\My Computer. Under the Security Tab, I found that the Administrators Group was missing from the Launch and Activation Permissions (Custom Tab). Giving the Administrators group full access corrected the issue.

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