Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hold off on buying those Nehalem i7 Macs?

Via Slashdot, a Microsoft support document tells us the new Nehalem CPUs have some significant bugs...
Stop error message on an Intel Xeon 5500 series processor-based computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 and that has the Hyper-V role installed: "0x00000101 - CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT"

...This problem occurs because spurious interrupts are generated on the computer that uses Intel code-named Nehalem processors. These interrupts are caused by a known erratum that is described in the following Intel documents....
I'm close to buying one of the Nehalem iMacs, but it's not urgent. So I can just hold off for a few weeks and watch how this plays out. All CPUs have bugs, and new CPUs can have grave bugs. If this is a bad one we'll find out soon enough.
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