Friday, April 27, 2018

Appigo Todo - don't forget to unsubscribe when you leave

Even since iOS 11 editing in Appigo’s Todo has been buggy for me on iPad and iPhone alike. Just aggravating. Feels like they failed to revamp something. I wasn’t delighted with their sync technology, but I could live with that. The editing bugs finally broke me.

So I decided to exit. Somehow I remembered Todo Cloud is a subscription service. I found my way to the somewhat hidden account settings and disabled premium. Turns out that turns off auto-renewal. 

Screen Shot 2018 04 27 at 2 53 24 PM

Hope it really works.

Appigo is a textbook example of how subscription solutions can disappoint. They never provided a good export strategy, so there’s a strong data lock. Then they failed to do minimal maintenance but continued to collect subscription revenue and sell the app.

So what will the replacement be? I’d like a product that

  1. Did what Appigo ToDo Cloud did but actually worked
  2. Had a web client as well as Mac, iPad and iPhone client
  3. Supported family sharing
  4. Had good data export (exit strategy).

I evaluated and OmniFocus. Things got #1 and 3. OmniFocus got #1 and 4. Neither got #2.


On the other hand, for iOS got #2 and #3 and it’s free. So it’s weirdly in contention.

For now I’m using for tasks and Trello for projects. I manually copying over tasks that had dates, it’s not too bad. The backlog of ‘someday’ tasks I’ll gradually slog away at.

If Things gets some data export I’ll probably buy it, but it’s expensive since it’s not a universal app. If OmniFocus gets family sharing I might buy it. Meanwhile I’ll see what I can make Reminders do.

I think this is my first significant iOS functional regression.

Update 5/22/2018

I just discovered I wrote about this in 2011 …

There are no great task managers for the iPhone - but there's hope for 2011

… Neither Things, nor Appigo’s (which I have used incessantly since 2008), nor OmniFocus, nor Remember the nor are a great solution. They all fall short…

Seven years later and is moribund (I’ve been using it for 10 years!) and both OmniFocus and Things are still flawed.

Since I first wrote this I’ve run into issues with — including sync bugs and even text editor bugs. On the other hand, OmniFocus is promising a web client. I’m going to transiently switch back to and see if WWDC providers some kind of family sharing for subscriptions. That would make OmniFocus pricing less extreme.

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