Friday, March 26, 2004

Invision Power Services: Inexpensive conferencing/community software

Invision Power Services
They provide hosting services and open-source based commercial proprietary software. The missing pieces is an RSS feed for RSS client monitoring of forum activity.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Bloglines | Free, Web-Based News Aggregator

Bloglines | Free, Web-Based News Aggregator
Seems to work fine. I use NetNewsWire on OS X, and I could use Newsgator or FeedDemon on Windows, but a web based solution makes more sense. Yahoo is adding an experimental service, but when I tried it was out of order. So bloglines looks interesting.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

David Allen: Blog of a productivity guru

David Allen

Talk about reputation management. He comes highly recommended by a very interesting guy I've been reading. Another one to add.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Marc's Outlook on Productivity: Blurring the lines

Marc's Outlook on Productivity: Blurring the lines
Some interesting references. Need to add to my RSS collection.

Lookout for Outlook: another outlook search tool

Lookout for Outlook Download

Toshiba - Digital Media Server (DVD Player/TiVo DVR Combo) - SD-H400

Toshiba - Digital Media Server (DVD Player/TiVo DVR Combo) - SD-H400
Public TV pledge week broke me. We need a PVR to get our family through fund raisers. This doesn't zap commercials the way we want, but it is very nice to have a DVD player in the package - so we can drop one set of plugs. Of course we really need VHS/DVD/PVR player ... I wonder if I could use the PVR to digitize our 8mm analog home video? Techbargains also points to a rebate on Tivo service.

Of course I hate rebates ...

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Gormish Notes on JPEG 2000: very nice (and unique) March 2004 summary

Gormish Notes on JPEG 2000

I found this by Googling on "Kakadu" and "Fnord". This is a classic Google technique for finding diamonds among the dross. Only a superb site would mention both. The search produced about 2-3 english pages, of which only one was relevant.