Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Plaxo Opt-Out: That hideous tracking service

Plaxo Opt-Out
I think spamcop blocks Plaxo for me now, but I used to get their tracking service emails all the time. This takes one to the opt out page. Worth keeping handy. - back from the grave?
The death of the original BYTE deserves an essay by itself -- suffice to say many of us suspected Bill's little finger flicked a weakened entity into the grave. Even in its twilight years, BYTE was unrivalled. It's loss hurt.

For sentimental reasons, I paid to subscribe to BYTE online. It was pretty weak and I stopped reading it. I just took another look. It's much stronger now. I'll have to add it back to my reading list.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

shutterbug: a nice digital photography website

shutterbug: Recent Additions
When I was a child, when slide rules were still widely used, Photography Magazines were thicker than PC Magazine in its glory days. They burst with ad pages. Then they all but died out.

Now they're back. Shutterbug has a rather interesting web site. A new addition to my web addiction.

Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes - Make audio files bookmarkable

Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes - Managing Files: "Make Bookmarkable

written by Doug Adams
posted: Mar 1, 2004
downloads: 1341

This script will change the 4-character file type of the selected AAC tracks to 'M4B ', thus making them bookmarkable. (That is, the track will resume playing wherever you left off the last time you played it.) Works on protected and non-protected AACs."
Very handy for my medical CME lectures.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

iPhoto 4 unexpectedly quits when opened, Insufficient disk space in iPhoto 2?

iPhoto 4 unexpectedly quits when opened: "... delete

This fixes:

1. Insufficient disk space when exporting
2. Quit when open

I'd guess it would fix the disk space problem for iPhoto 2 as well. That problem is apparently due to thumbnail corruption.

update: this didn't work for me. I had to use Panther Cache Cleaner to do a deep cache removal. See my posting of 5/1/04.