Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Microosft MVPS.ORG resource

Welcome to the MVPS.ORG home page!

The MVPs show up in Microsoft's usenet forums. They appear to be microsoft-related small businesses. This is a central respository for them. If it's maintained will be an interesting set of resources.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

BBC World Service: Great expansion of their radio service

BBC World Radio Player

The BBC has reconfigured their online radio services. The new link shows an awesome array of material. It wasn't working with the OS X REAL Audio client (no error, simply wouldn't play), but for some mysterious reason the RA eventually client recognized it needed a new Codec and downloaded it. Now it's working again.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

What I want in my next digital camera: An improved Canon G2

John's Digital Photography Page

I was thinking again about what I want to replace my G2. Turns out, not all that much! It's all technically possible, but I fear "market failure" (the bane of my existence) will rear its head and divert the market in other directions.

Basically I want an improved G2 for about $500 to $600 US. Including:

1. JPEG2000 rather than JPEG. (Better color range, better edges with fewer artifacts at higher compression.)

2. 6 megapixel is fine.

3. ISO 800 with minimal noise.

4. Faster cycle time, image throughput, etc. (16 bit internal bus, faster internal storage, faster image acquisition, firewire or usb 2.0 etc)

5. Image quality (color, etc) as good as the G2. Favor lens quality over increased zoom.

6. Fix the minor bugs and usability problems I put on the page I reference here.

7. Image stabilization for handheld shooting at 1/15 sec.

8. Fix the built-in flash's defective exposure control -- but keep the hot shoe!

9. Comparable quality, reliability, and ruggedness.

None of this is demanding. All of these things appear in today's cameras -- indeed they already offer more megapixels than I'm asking for. I DON'T want an SLR. They're too big, have dust problems, too expensive, I like the swivel LCD on the G2, etc.

The question is -- will the market deliver what I want? I fear it will deliver both far more, and, critically, far less.

Friday, April 09, 2004

Apple - Discussions - Altec inMotion speakers & iPod resets

Apple - Discussions - Altec inMotion speakers & iPod resets: "I'm very concerned that the Altec inMotion cradle is damaging iPods. I too am having increasingly curious behavior associated with inMotion use. It goes something like this:

1. Insert into cradle.
2. Remove from cradle.
3. iPod seems fully charged.
4. iPod goes to sleep abruptly, (resets?).
5. Wake up iPod, battery is totally drained.

PS. If you do use the inMotion, the manufacturer's recommended insert/removal procedure includes directions to UNPLUG the darned thing -- not just turn it off.

Given the odd recommendations from Altec about insertion/removal, and these crashing behaviors, I strongly recommend against purchase of this device unless we hear some definitive commentary from Apple or Altec."