Friday, June 11, 2004

The World Clock - Time Zones

The World Clock - Time Zones

need to add to my travel page ...

No G5 iMac?

Analysts weigh in on Apple's newest Power Mac G5
Yesterday, Apple's Director of Power Mac Product Marketing, Tom Boger, cast aside that policy to say that there would be no PowerBook G5 anytime soon. Boger explained that there were engineering challenges involved in migrating the G5 architecture to both the PowerBook and the iMac. Boger's comments effectively put rumors about Apple's future in those product categories to rest -- a move analysts applaud.

I wasn't expecting a G5 PowerBook, given IBM's production issues. But no G5 iMac?!! He didn't say that, but he lumped the PowerBook and the iMac together.


Apple Remote Desktop 2 w/ VNC

Think Secret - Apple Remote Desktop 2 nearing completion: "Remote Desktop 2 will boast standards-based reporting, task scheduling, VNC support,"

All uninteresting, except the VNC support. Is Apple going to anoint a VNC solution for remote access? That would bring OS X up closer to XP's Microsoft Remote Desktop.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

OS X "System Migration" assistant -- new feature

MacFixIt - New Power Mac G5 models include "System Migration" feature
Introduced with the newest G5s. In the old, old days moving between a Mac took only a few minutes. Moving between DOS machines was about as hard. Moving between Win 3.1 machines became interesting, moving from an XP machine is an ordeal. If anything, an OS X machine migration may be worse.

This is way overdue.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

iPod 3G - disable calendar alarms to increase battery life?

Mainctouch iPod (Part 26)
I had the same problem as Nicolas, regarding my 3G iPod being almost completely discharged after just sitting for maybe 2 days. After hunting through several web pages, the unlikely suggestion of making sure ALL the iPod alarms were set to off greatly restored my battery life.

I can't remember what alarm it was, but it was nothing I was using (or hearing). Apparently, it defaults to on.

The only thing I can see that looks like this is the calendar alerm which defaults to "beep" and can be changed to "off".

Schneier: Witty worm was pretty bad

The Witty worm: A new chapter in malware - Computerworld
Witty was the first worm to target a particular set of security products -- in this case Internet Security System's BlackICE and RealSecure. It infected and destroyed only computers that had particular versions of this software running.

A few things we learned from this worm:

Witty was wildly successful. Twelve thousand machines was the entire vulnerable and exposed population, and Witty infected them all -- worldwide -- in 45 minutes. It's the first worm that quickly corrupted a small population. Previous worms targeting small populations such as Scalper and Slapper were glacially slow.

Close all your firewall ports. Don't buy firewalls from companies that have let backdoors be inserted (NetGear, Linksys, others?). Use a Mac.