Wednesday, August 04, 2004

macosxhints - Panasonic KX-P 7105 printing in OS X 10.3.4 - installing new GIMP Print drivers

macosxhints - Panasonic KX-P 7105 printing in OS X 10.3.4
I've had so many problems with OS X printing I'll try the GIMP install referenced here.

FireWire Depot - FireWire 1394a 1394b hardware

FireWire Depot - FireWire 1394a 1394b hardware
Good resource, a web site/vendor devoted to firewire solutions. The SATA bridge is interesting.

Macintouch: Recording Audio on an OS X machine

Reader Report: Recording Audio

A great series of reader reviews covering use of the machine alone (iBook), use of an iPod, and use of a separate Olympus or SONY recording device (USB or CF based).

Configuring Windows Explorer - Command Line Options

Configuring Windows Explorer - Command Line Options
This goes beyond the Microsoft knowledge base article to include opening objects that are in the registry.

WinNc.Net - Norton Commander Clone - Filemanager for Windows

WinNc.Net - Norton Commander Clone - Filemanager for Windows
Every so often I get so irritated with Windows XP that I search for anything that would help. Something like ... Norton Commander. NC was a DOS 2.1 (maybe earlier) file management application. It was brilliant. Even OS X isn't quite as good for file management ... ok, OS X is better -- but not THAT much better.

One of the best featurse of NC was it built a tree of directories, so one could navigate instantly based on character matching.

Under OS/2 I used FileCommander, an NC clone, but it didn't quite make the transition to Win2K.

Today I came across this Norton Commander clone. I'll give it a try. XP's file manager was never very good, and it's completely collapsed in the face of my hard drive.

Now if only Google toolbar would add the ##@! full text indexing we were promised. (I hear MSN might get there first ...)

Of course Longhorn is supposed to solve all these problems. I'm not holding my breath.

Update: Uh-oh. There's no "norton change directory". The DOS version of NC built a directory tree index, one could navigate to a folder/directory through a dynamic string match (type more characters, jump around the tree. The author of is very responsive --he says they've received few requests for this feature. A classic problem with customer-driven product development -- the customer can't ask for what they can't imagine. NCD/NC was a work of genius.

WCD is a cross-platform text-only command line implementation of NCD. I think it could be nicely integrated with WinNC.Net and I've suggested that. In the meantime I'm going to see if I can figure a way for WCD to drive Windows Explorer.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

macosxhints - A collection of tips on accessing Windows file servers from OS X cleints (SMB Shares)

macosxhints - A collection of tips on accessing Windows file servers

The list is a good one, mostly familiar to me, except this one tip of unclear value:

"Set your Windows workgroup/resource domain and WINS server:

1. Find out your Windows resource domain for workstations in your office and local WINS server address. (Ask your desktop computer support people.)
2. Launch the 'Directory Access' utility (in the /Applications/Utilities folder).
3. Click the padlock icon in the lower left of the window and authenticate as an admin user.
4. Select SMB, and press Configure.
5. Set Workgroup to your Windows resource domain, and WINS server to your WINS server IP address, and press OK.
6. Press Apply and wait for a few seconds.
7. Restart your Mac."

macosxhints - About the Lost and Found directory

macosxhints - About the Lost and Found directory Check your os x disk for a lost and found directory. If one exists, read this!