Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Create Spotlight indexes for networked volumes

macosxhints - 10.4: Create Spotlight indexes for networked volumes

This procedure won't work for me, but it suggests a utility will be out soon to make this process invisible.

How to report a bug to Apple - effectively

Macintouch - Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger (Part 7)

John Baltutis writes:

"For everyone who has a problem with Tiger or any of Apple's applications, let me offer the fastest and best way, IMHO (outside of being a beta-tester/developer), to get your concerns in front of Apple's fixers and doers.

Join Apple's ADC at (it's free and also provides you an opportunity, if you wish to exercise it, to download developmental software). Then use the bug reporter (which requires an ADC membership) to submit bug reports or enhancement requests.

Once these are documented (you get a unique number when you submit them), you can track their status, append additional information, and receive feedback from engineering. This allows you to establish a two-way dialog, albeit may not be timely, with your problem/concern/shortcoming/suggestion/etc. and those in power to fix or add them."

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Sharing folders with XP SP2 -- must create an account for remote users

Windows XP Home Page

Say you want to share a folder in XP SP2, but you don't have Windows server. As near as I can tell, you have to either enable the Guest user account or create a user account that has the same username string as the username on the remote machine.

Folder and file sharing in XP really expects to work with a proper server and domain manager.

OS X is so much nicer ...

Keyword Assistant must be updated for 10.4

Ken Ferry Software

This is one of my favorite small applications. A 10.4 bug broke it, the new version has a workaround. This is why I like to wait for 10.4.1.

A utility for creating custom shows in PowerPoint

Shyam's Toolbox for PowerPoint - Home

Add to Custom Show is a personal favorite. I find it easy to switch to slide sorter view, select the slides in the order in which they show appear in the custom show, right-click & select 'Add to Custom Show'.
It's $50 as it's really a part of a developer toolkit, not an end-user utility. A bit steep for my purposes.

OS X password creator guides

macosxhints - 10.4: Create strong and memorable passwords

but an article here mentions this was available in 10.3 - sort of.

Spotlight tips and tricks

macosxhints - 10.4: Some Spotlight tips and tricks

Also, see this Apple programmers reference for fuller syntax.