Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Yahoo Pipes - a Googler's review

Matt Cutts works for Google. His review of Yahoo Pipes is both positive and relatively easy to follow:
Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO - Review: Yahoo pipes

As every decent UNIXhead knows, pipes let you combine small command-line tools easily by routing the output of one tool into the input of another tool. ...

The idea of Yahoo Pipes, as far as I can tell from a quick look, is to allow that same pipe behavior on RSS feeds. The system also outputs RSS urls. There are operators like sorting, counting, truncating, etc. If you wanted to make a mash-up of different feeds, this would be a neat way to prototype it.
So if you have a set of RSS feeds, you can manipulate them through Yahoo Pipes. I can't think of a personal use case yet, but I'm working on it ...

Monday, February 12, 2007

Gecko vs. WebKit - an insider's perspective

I mostly use Firefox these days (the extensions and Google toolbar), but I have use Camino and might switch back. If Google ever adopts Safari as a first rate client I'd even give it a try.

So I was quite interested in this insider's view of WebKit vs. Gecko:
Sucking less, on a budget: Chicken Little 2.0

... Gecko is a strength. Camino would be nowhere if its rendering engine sucked. Gecko has had the benefit of more than 8 years of development, and as part of that development, testing and exposure. AOL paid for QA to ensure that it correctly rendered over 98% of the net when they wanted to embed it in the AOL client. Anybody who thinks writing an HTML engine is easy is dead wrong. You spend years getting the last few percent, but it's in the last few percent that you make your users feel like they no longer have to worry their browser will be unsupported. To throw that away would be dangerous, it's what keeps us relevant. We say "Mozilla power, Mac style" for a reason, because it's true. I can't use Safari because the sites I care about just don't work. You can't overlook that.

Gecko is a liability. The architecture from day one was light years better than what we had (a grad-student project gone horribly wrong), but by no means was it well-designed. The horrible misapplication of COM, misguided pre-optimization, a singular focus on Windows, and a variety of other serious design flaws made Gecko difficult to understand and in some cases impossible to fix. The learning curve is immense (think Mt Everest), just ask my students every year; the look of terror in their eyes is proof enough. Gecko is as impenetrable and bloated as it is fast and compatible. WebKit, on the other hand, is sleek and svelte. It's approachable. It's really easy to fix bugs. If you ask developers which they'd rather work on, the ones who pick Gecko should get their heads examined.

New blogger: Changing the subjet does not change the url!

Google has finally seen the light. The original Blogger didn't use semantic identifiers for posts, they used a number. You could change the subject and the URL didn't break.

Blogger 1.x used the title as the post name. Change the title, you changed the URL and broke any links.

Blogger 2 uses the title as the post name, but it's a one time operation. You can change the title and the URL remains the same. This is a GREAT improvement.

For example, I corrected the title of this post but the URL shows the old title. I'd prefer a meaningless identifier for the URL, but this is an acceptable alternative.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Utility to charge a RAZR from an OS X machine

The world's worst phone became a little less crummy today. Scott Gruby, an experienced Mac developer, has a utility that will allow an OS X machine to charge the phone:
Scott Gruby’s Blog :: Charging a Motorola RAZR over USB

The Motorola RAZR has a mini USB plug on it for charging and hooking to a computer which is great as I have lots of those cables lying around. Unfortunately it won’t charge over USB from a Mac out of the box. Luckily, I know some tricks and someone told me the magic to get it to charge. I whipped up a little program that tells the RAZR (or any other Motorola cell phone) to charge over USB....

... The app is pretty simple; place it in your applications folder, launch it and set it as a login item. Whenever you plug in your phone, it should start charging. If your machine goes to sleep, it will stop charging. (For those curious, all the program does is open and close the USB interface on the phone.)
Easy to install, easy to uninstall. I'll definitely try it. Scott asks that, in return, we take a look at his receipt management software. I'll give that one a try too.

BTW, this app is not easy to find! Scott published it in November 2006, but I couldn't find it on versiontracker. I only know about it because Scott mentioned it in a comment on a post of mine. Scott's blog is also an underappreciated gem, I've added it to my bloglines collection.

Update 2/7/07: Nina Love (see comments) was able to charge her RAZR from her MacBook apparently without installing this utility.

Friday, February 09, 2007

StuffIt Expander: bypass evil email harvesting

StuffIt Expander is nasty stuff. Some versions mangle zip files, the installation is very ugly, it's very hard to remove, the vendor harvests email addresses and is an infamous spammer -- bad news.

Unfortunately, some vendors still use .sit files. As a rule, I don't buy from them. If you're stuck, you may be able to download form the above link without surrendering your spam-mail address.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

RSS to email and RSS for the old web

Amit had two related posts worth keeping for reference:

How to generate email from an RSS feed


RSS notification for non-syndicated web sites

I'm going to try the latter with Dyer's news site.

Update: alas the links Amit recommended for rss monitoring of a web site both failed me. One is no longer working the other is very complex to configure.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

BlogAssist now on services menu

Dejal - BlogAssist has been on my system for ages, but I've made little use of it. I'll try version 2.1 of this html tool. Only web tools that work with services can use the service option -- so Safari or Camino only.