Sunday, July 27, 2008

Stop your iPhone from auto-launching iPhoto, Aperture, etc

OS X recognizes the iPhone, in part, as a camera.

So attaching the iPhone to a cable triggers camera behavior. If you don't like iPhoto or Aperture launching on connection, you have to override this behavior for all camera-like devices.

I sort of figured that out, but where do you change this? It's not in system preferences -- where it should be.

Turns out it's buried in Image Capture preferences (tsk, tsk Apple). I knew that once, but my brain has trouble remembering illogical things.

Thank you TUAW and Google:
Stop your iPhone from auto-launching iPhoto (or Aperture, etc.) - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)

... One particularly annoying thing about plugging in my iPhone is that it always launches Aperture and prompts for permission to import photos. While you should be able to turn this off (in the preferences of the Image Capture application)...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Google calendar sync: still broken

It's been a few months since I tried Google's broken Outlook Calendar sync. I checked their site today, and they seem to be approaching this challenge with a bit more gravity
So I tried again.

At first it seemed better, but then I realized my recurring appointments didn't sync.

Time to uninstall. Again.

It would be a good sign if both Google and Apple would admit they they've grossly underestimated how hard synchronization really is.

I'm guessing Microsoft knows this is hard.

Update: Just like last time, I know what Google did wrong. To reduce sync volume, there's a setting on how far back one should sync. The sync is missing the start of the recurring event, which, in Outlook, means losing the entire recurrence. Google needs to sync all recurring events, regardless of how old they are.

More risk of the Cloud: What did Google do with my Google Pages?!

My custom search page was built using Google's original Google Pages function (pre Sites).

Tonight I decided to add another simple page. I don't like Sites for that, it's too awkward.

Problem is, Google Pages no longer appears in Google's list of services.

Shades of Apple abandoning all the .Mac web pages!

It turns out Google Pages functionality is still around, there's a link from My Account (lists all my Google services). Google is just removing it from the public list.


I really don't trust "the cloud".

iPhone cut, copy, paste - more on patent problems

I speculated that iPhone cut, copy, paste was missing due to patent problems. A commenter added:
A buddy of mine used to work for MS Mobile division and when I started using the Blackjack he kindly gave me I complained about there being no cut copy paste in smartphone addition of windowdose mobile. His simple reply was 'patent issue'.
Well, it does make sense.

So are patents also the problem with tasks on the iPhone?

Microsoft shows Apple how to do integrated work home calendars

Bravo evil empire!

It's good to have Microsoft in the game.
Microsoft Makes Calendar Sync Work - ReadWriteWeb

... For someone who uses an Outlook calendar at work, keeps a personal calendar in Hotmail, and perhaps has a shared family calendar in Live Calendar, this new sync tool will be incredibly useful. Whether you're online or offline, all your calendars are available from one place: Outlook....
Are you listening Apple?

The Windows Live Beta calendar will subscribe to ICS feeds (ex. Google Calendar). It can be shared as a web page and it will provide ICS and XML feeds.


I've been so annoyed by Apple's crappy support for iPhone calendaring, tasks and notes, and the corresponding MobileMe flop (which, even if it worked, would not suffice), that I've even thought of returning my iPhone. I won't, I'll give it a few months.

But maybe I won't spend those months trying to make Apple's feeble iCal work. If Apple does fix the currently broken iPhone Outlook sync (I think they will), then I could just sync my iPhone to Outlook 2007 at home and start using Live Calendar.

I could even start by synchronizing Outlook with Windows Live, then subscribing to the Windows Live calendar from our Google Apps family calendar.

Then if Apple continues to bury the iPhone, I might see what works with Windows Live...

Maybe I should buy shares in Microsoft. They're starting to look warm and fuzzy.

Update: gCal is published with the https:// protocol. To view in iCal or Windows Live Calendar (beta) change https to http. I also see it takes a very long time to get all the events to cross the feed.

Google Calendar - bad iPhone news

I started out with a LOT of options for my calendar migration, but they're dropping like flies.

So while I'm optimistic about BusySync for gCal to iCal sync, I was dismayed by gCal mobile:
Google Mobile - Calendar:

... On the go? Stay on track with Google Calendar on your mobile.

* Keep track of your schedule, without having to sync your phone with your computer.
* Share events and calendars with friends, family, or colleagues.
* Set up mobile phone notifications."
Ok, now reread that marketing drivel. What's not mentioned?

Oh, like, no ability to edit or remove calendar items? So you better make sure your "Quick Add" works, because you won't get a second shot.

Ok, rule that one out. At least, rule it out as a direct option.

Update: Oh, in case you were thinking of injecting the MobileMe calendar into the mix ... there's no support for feeds, or subscriptions in MobileMe calendar. Indeed, the ability to sync iCal calendars was lost in the MobileMe transition.

ePocrates on the iPhone

Epocrates Rx iPhone appears to work. Initial impressions are that it's a large improvement over ePocrates on the Pearl, and in terms of utility it's probably comparable to ePocrates Palm.

The med images are particularly impressive.

The only downside is I think it's getting more obnoxious about insisting I glance at the marketing material that pays for the service. I hope they're not running into funding problems -- that's usually what makes ad-funded vendors push the marketing.

My iPhone 2.0 impressions so far is that synchronization with Outlook or MobileMe is a disaster, Outlook sync is a regression from iPhone 1.0, and basic PIM (calendar, etc) functionality scores a D-. Everything else is pretty good.