Sunday, July 24, 2011

Viewing Mac OS X Parental Control files

One of the many signs that OS X parental controls are half-baked is that Snow Leopard's default log tool doesn't actually .. you know ... display the site history. It's not just Snowie, this is old incompetence.

I'd wondered if there was any way to actually view the sites visited; perhaps a way to load the records in another tool. My Google searches found nothing, but a question on the most illustrious site brought a comprehensive answer.

The answer was excellent even though I started out with a misleading question ...

OS X stores Parental Control logs in /Library/Application Support/Apple/ParentalControls/Users/[username]/year/month with the extension .data.

For example, contains usage data for the 15 day of a month.

The log files are system read/write only. To access them one must change permissions or use terminal.

I would like to be able browse these files. In an Apple discussion I found a reference to using a "SQL" add on for Firefox to browse them. I guessed this meant SQLite Manager for Firefox, but I the SQLite browsers I've tried can't open the file.

The file is binary, but in a text editor it shows typical Apple .plist header.

I suspect a form of SQLite, or Core Data (which I think can use SQLite).

Does anyone have information on how to browse these files?

My question was misleading because the date-specific .data files are a red herring. The real data is in / ....

osx - How can I view Mac OS X Parental Control files with format .data? - Super User (answer from Daniel Beck)

These date-specific files are regular binary plist files created from a Core Data object graph. Open with Xcode 4 or Property List Editor (comes with Xcode 3), or any text editor after you convert it to XML using plutil -convert xml1 -o filename-xml.plist in Terminal. The content is pretty much useless though, unless you know how to load it again.

Much more interesting is /Library/Application Support/Apple/ParentalControls/Users/username/ This contains the user-specific applications, web sites and chat protocols in a SQLite container format. Open e.g. using Base, other tools here and here. The date columns are seconds since a date and time in early 2000.

For me, comparison of the GUI value and experimentation showed the 0 value to be Jan 2, 2000, at 2:00:00 AM. Dates shown are May 18 according to the UI. I suggest you focus on this file only; I believe the others are simply helper files for internal data structures.

Incidentally, Daniel Beck lives in Germany has 770 answers on superuser.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Google Voice and merging app and non-app Google accounts with the same user names

This is painful. I hope you don't have to understand it. It may help you to know that you will probably lose data if you merge accounts. In some cases you will be better off to avoid account merging.

If you're reading this, however, you probably do need to know how it goes. Before you begin, consider reading a post from November 2011 2010 - Why you may want to wait on the new Google Apps services - identity collisions.

Here's the problem, which Google calls conflicting accounts.

Consider the Google Apps domain "" and a user "". Hal uses google mail at, but he doesn't actually have a Google Account. He's merely a Google Apps person.

A year ago Hal wanted to sign up for Google Voice. To do that he needed a Google Account. So he signed up for one using his email address for his username. Note he won't get email this way, but he can get everything else Google provides.

Meanwhile, Google wants to unify their infrastructure and unite their Google Apps accounts with their Google Accounts. Every Google Apps user will now get a Google Account and most Google services (I don't think G+ is available for Google Apps users however).

Eventually Google moves to the new infrastructure. Now we have a problem. The username now has two potential Google Accounts. The old one with Google Voice and the one Google just created.

This has to be resolved. Hal can either change the username for his older Google Account, or he can discard his old account and merge a very few services into his new Google Apps Google Account.

Phew. Reread until your head hurts.

Anyway, I'm now doing this for Emily and my son Tim, both of who have to resolve this conflict now that Google has forcibly upgraded our family domain to their full service range. (Which is mostly good, except for this merger business).

It turns out this works pretty well for Google Voice -- except you lose any old GV contacts.

You begin the process by logging into your Google Voice account with your preexisting Google Account credentials. Then you're told you can either rename or merge. If you merge you can still access your old data (for a while) under a new username of the form:

You're walked through a series of screenshots as below:

Note that 8 months after Google started down this road they still can't migrate most products:

Here's how it looked after its done.

Tim really only used Google Voice, so his migration is pretty simple. Emily used a few services, I'll have to do manual data migration for these. Losing the Google Reader records are particularly painful. In particular "...  this process will only move your feeds, and will not move your trends, followers, people you are following, folders, shared links, or other information associated with your Google Reader."

Really, it's a pain. I expected Google would manage this better, but it is what it is.

Update: I ran into several small and medium bugs during the process. The worst bug is that Google continues to route logins to the conversion screens even after conversion has been completed.

In the end the primary data losses were with Google Reader and iGoogle (bookmark list). I think some of the bugs may be related to other changes Google is making to switch to G+

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Contact Sync and Database.sqlite3 corruption bring and my fast iMac to its knees

Sometime over the past two weeks my relatively new iMac seemed to lose steam. It was slow to respond, lots of beachballs. Felt like it was occupied, but Activity Monitor didn't show anything obvious.

I think OS X was caught in a sync loop involving Spanning Sync, OS X iSync and MobileMe sync all synchronizing between OS X Address Book, my iPhone, MobileMe Address Book, and a subsection of Google Contacts. That setup has worked well for about a year, but it's fallen apart now.

Looking at the Spanning Sync logs a few contacts were being updated constantly. Nothing special about them I can see.

I'm afraid my Contacts Unification program has died. With MobileMe on the way out, and with Google frantically tweaking Contacts for their social/G+ initiatives, and Apple doing its own Lion and iCloud contact management I don't think this is going to come back. I'll need another approach.

For the moment I've set MobileMe sync to manual and disabled Spanning Sync. I may do a manual sync every few days. My iMac is working again.

Synchronization is Hell.

Update 7/22/11: This morning I received a warning from Carbon Copy Cloner about a physical read error with Library/PubSub/Database/Database.sqlite3. Interesting ...

07/22 08:25:58 rsync: read errors mapping "/Users/jfaughnan 1/Library/PubSub/Database/Database.sqlite3": Input/output error (5)

07/22 08:26:22 ERROR: Users/jfaughnan 1/Library/PubSub/Database/Database.sqlite3 failed verification -- update discarded. (51)

Disk Utility didn't find any physical errors, so I assume Database.sqlite3 has been corrupted.

I put Database.sqlite3 in the trash, logged out and back in, then deleted it. recreated it, went from 7MB to 2MB. Safari and both felt much faster. I then downloaded the most recent version of Onyx, restarted as Admin, then ran all the cleanup and automation scripts. At the moment the machine feels about 10 times faster.

Even though sqlite3 is a core part of OS X Data Management, but it's hard to find much about how it's actually used in most apps. I found one page that listed apps that use SQLite databases, but those apps are listed as storing data in different locations. I found a couple of references [1] that suggest this is where and Safari store their RSS feeds.

One article mentioned using this command to fix this sqlite database:

/usr/bin/sqlite3 ~/Library/PubSub/Database/Database.sqlite3 vacuum

Using that search string brought up more interesting articles:

The second link is from 2009, and it sounds very much like what has been happening to me in OS X 10.6 ...

I am syncing, on several Macs and several user accounts, information such as Calender, Mail Rules, Bookmarks, etc. After recently updating to Safari 4.01 and OS X 10.5.7, all of a sudden I had all very bad Safari performance -- including constant freeze situations. After being ready to delete the impacted user, I realized that there were some issues with the database.sqlite3 file in the Library » PubSub » Database folder. The PubSub folder is used for tracking RSS feeds, and it seems my problem resided there.

After deleting the database.sqlite file, and resetting the Mobile Me information, the freezes and crashes stopped...

Deleting this file did not actually remove the feeds from and Safari.

Looking at my feeds I see I've been tracking my Google Reader shared item feed. That is an enormous feed; I think I've been pushing the limits of what RSS subscription can handle. I deleted all of my Feed subscriptions from Safari and, then I delted all the data in ~/Library/PubSub/Feeds and I deleted Database.sqlite3 (again). On logout/login it was recreated with a size of 74kb (empty). is now blindingly fast and my system is healthy again.

I won't be using's feed reader features any more. They don't scale. I use Google Reader, but to archive some of my feeds I'm going to buy a dedicated standalone feed reader.

Update 7/24/11: I created an archive of my Address Book, cleared the iSync database then restarted MobileMe. It told me it was going to add 843 records. Coincidentally, that's how many I have. I went ahead anyway, since it's surprisingly easy to save and restore Address Book archives (I have about fifty versions saved). In fact I ended up with 843 that look correct on spot check. Curiously, both MobileMe and my laptop say I have 842 contacts. So there's something broken somewhere in iSync. It's easy to see why Apple dropped iSync (so far) from Lion. Synchronization is, honestly, and truly, Hell. This has underappreciated implications for health care interoperability incidentally.

The massive security hole in Google two factor authentication

I've been using Google's two factor authentication for a few months. It works reasonably well for the core Google App suite (gmail, calendar, contacts, etc) from a web UI if I use Chrome.

Even there, however, there are bugs. Even on machines I don't authorize for '30 day use' I sometimes connect without a request for an authenticator token. I think this is improving, but there's still no way to de-authenticate a '30 day' machine from the Google Account.

Beyond the core services though, there are lots of problems. The worst of these is Google's "Application Specific" password framework. It's the software equivalent of medical malpractice.

The problems start with the misleading name. There is nothing Application Specific about these passwords. If you write one down, or if one is captured by a keystroke logger, it works with most (all?) Google services. The same password can be used with an IMAP client to download email or with Google Chrome to sync passwords. If you know one has been lost it can be revoked, but of course by then it's too late.

The only sense in which these "additional passwords" are "application specific" is that Google has us label them by application. This is worse than worthless, it's misleading.

I find I have to use these "additional passwords" very frequently. Today, when I tried enabling Google Sync in the very latest Chrome release, I was asked for one. That was on a less-trusted machine, if a keystroke logger were running it would have been lost.

Obviously, I'm disappointed. Actually, I'm kind of appalled. This smells like a marketing maneuver. Somewhere in Google there are security people contemplating honorable seppuku.

1Password fails to sync - they have problems

Synchronization is Hell.

I know that, so I wasn't surprised when 1Password became increasingly messy. It had multiple logins with different passwords and I don't think it was synchronizing correctly from desktop to iPhone. I decided to start over.

Fortunately I've never trusted 1Password, so the "source of truth" for my passwords is a 15yo FileMaker Pro database with about 1,600 records. It's not only a credential story, it's a history of the WWW (as we used to call it.) So I deleted everything in 1Password desktop and did a sync to my iPhone. There's no UI indicator that sync is happening, but shortly thereafter there were about 3,200 records on my iPhone and 1,600 on my desktop.


So after some messing about I hit the "reset" button in 1Password/iPhone and tried to sync with the OS X app overwriting the iPhone.

Nothing happened. There was no error message, but clicking on the sync button didn't do anything.

Google eventually took me a to a very long 1Password tech support thread. It's sad reading -- clearly 1Password is in trouble. Towards the end I saw something promising ....

How to Sync 1Password on Mac to my iPad - AgileBits Forums: "defaults write ws.agile.1Password ShowWiFiSyncAuthAutomatically -bool YES"

Terminal hacks usually work. This one did. When next I started the desktop app I got the dialog for entering my 'secret codes' and I was able to sync. Everything is clean for the moment.

Obviously, 1Password doesn't meet my tests. My guess is that their too ambitious for their technical abilities. They've tried to make synchronization automatic and invisible, but they failed to provide a manual option for when things go wrong. Sync is Hell, things will go wrong.

What I really want is the old FileMaker Mobile app for the Palm. There's nothing like it now; the closest today is Bento's ability to sync desktop and iOS device. I'd go for Bento, but there's no iOS encryption option. So it doesn't work.

For now, 1Password is my least bad option. I can't recommend it for anyone else however.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Google Apps: the long list of Google products

Eight months ago I suggested waiting before moving Google Apps users onto Google's integrated identity platform.

Tonight, a few months after successfully migrating one of my Google Apps domains, I tried our family domain. Google's introduction is pretty confident ...

You've probably heard that Google is about to make more of its services available to organizations with Google Apps accounts. Well, we're ready!..
Sounds good. So I went for it and got ...

Google Apps - Server error...

... We are unable to process your request at this time, please try again later.

Right. Maybe not quite so ready.

Oh well, quality is so 20th century. Glad Google doesn't get hung up about things not working. Maybe that's why the list of Google services can get to be so very long ...

  • 3D Warehouse
  • Android Market Publisher Site
  • Blogger
  • Chrome Web Store
  • DART for Publishers
  • DoubleClick Customer Resource Center
  • DoubleClick DART Enterprise
  • DoubleClick for Advertisers
  • DoubleClick for Publishers
  • DoubleClick Search
  • DoubleClick Studio
  • FeedBurner
  • Fusion Tables
  • Google Ad Planner
  • Google AdSense
  • Google AdSense for TV
  • Google Advertising Professionals
  • Google AdWords
  • Google Affiliate Network
  • Google Analytics
  • Google App Engine
  • Google Base
  • Google Bookmarks
  • Google Books
  • Google Checkout
  • Google Chrome Sync
  • Google Code
  • Google Custom Search
  • Google Desktop
  • Google Finance
  • Google Friend Connect
  • Google Groups
  • Google Hotpot
  • Google in Your Language
  • Google Latitude
  • Google Map Maker
  • Google Maps
  • Google Moderator
  • Google News
  • Google Places
  • Google Public Data
  • Google Reader
  • Google Sidewiki
  • Google Squared
  • Google Subscribed Links
  • Google Translator Toolkit
  • Google Voice
  • Google Webmaster Tools
  • iGoogle
  • Knol
  • Merchant Center
  • New Service
  • orkut
  • Panoramio
  • Partner Program
  • Picasa Web Albums
  • Shopping List
  • User Managed Storage
  • Web History
  • Website Optimizer
  • YouTube
  • YouTube CMS
  • YouTube Partner Syndication
  • YouTube Promoted Videos

I like "New Service" myself.

I'll try again tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011