Monday, August 20, 2012

Mountain Lion's WiFi bug

I haven't had any problems at home, but on the road I ran into this Mountain Lion problem at my parents home. They have a cheap Dlink dir-615 (dir615 rev C1), and this report fits my experience ...

HT1338 upgraded to mountain lion and...

My wifi connection was also dropping every few minutes. I could expedite the drops by streaming a couple videos at the same time. Snow Leopards wifi was never perfect for me either (it would drop about once a week) but it was stable. Upgrading to ML made it so much worse. I had found a solution that made it completely stable (see below) but still looked for a proper fix:  

Enable WLAN: Yes Mode: IEEE 802.11g Only Channel: 7 Transmitting power: 100% Enable WMM QoS: No   Not having EXACTLY this brought the problem back.

… I went to the dlink website (i have a dlink dir-615) i found a new firmware version had been available for the past 2 years. After updating the routers firmware my wifi is running so so smooth with whatever settings i choose...

I've made the firmware update, but hard to know if it works. Sounds like the issue relates to 802.11n. Hard to know if this is a real bug, might be a security fix that the old router doesn't support.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

In praise of Google Voice

I dislike G+, but there are some old-school Google products I love.

Google Voice might be at the top of the list.

It's not just that I save over $1000 a year on long distance charges because Google lets me call Montreal for free from my AT&T 4S.

It's also that when I travel I configure my Google Voice business and personal numbers to send me email only. Then I forward my mobile and home numbers to my Google Voice [1]. I get all my messages by email when I've got WiFi -- and I don't run up any roaming charges. Tonight, for example, I picked up a message that VISA had locked my card due to international charges (easily fixed, next time I'll call ahead).

It's a great service. I worry that Google is going to drop it -- they don't seem to have a way to make money from it. I wish they'd just start charging me.

[1] There's a bit of a trick to this. You can't forward from a number that's associated with the GV account -- you just get your voice mail interface. Since I have two GV numbers I can work around that.

Why does glitch in cities?

We've been using Navigon for iOs extensively during our latest US/Canada road trip.

It does well in rural areas, but in urban areas we've twice run into significant glitches. On two occasions, just short of a key junction, Navigon abruptly changed its recommendation.

Navigon acted as though its lost track of where we are, and it transiently thinks we've missed a turnoff. We get the recommendation for backtracking -- before we go off track.

It's like getting a message from the future; a self-fulfilling message because the updated directions make us go off-track (so causality is not violated). This can be disturbing, as when Navigon sent us for an unplanned tour of Detroit.

I assume this is a GPS satellite access problem, perhaps exacerbated by a lack of useful wifi data. I've not seen this discussed much however. I'd  like to know, for example, dedicated devices have less problems than iOS devices. Do some software packages handle this better than others? Are there ways to minimize glitches? (Example: try not to vary speed as one approaches key junctions).

I'm quite fond of my 4S/Navigon package and the car windshield mount we use, but I could do without the unexpected tours. At least I've gotten enough experience that when the GPS goes haywire I'm less prone to make a sudden, dangerous, lane change.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Using an MacBook as a car server for multi-device home sharing doesn't quite work

Home Sharing is cooler than i'd realized. Since all our family devices use one Apple Store ID [2], and all media in the home was purchased with that Apple ID [1], each of the kids can stream anything on the family Library to any of their iOS devices. So in Videos we all can see ...

Since I've been envious Charles Stross' AirStash I wondered if I could move the movies to my Air, set it up for Home Sharing, then create a computer-to-computer network for use in the car.

It almost works. I can create the network (128 bit WEP at best on my Air, I used no security) and if I force the phone into Airplane mode/wireless enabled I can connect to the media library. Connect, that is, after a long pause where I suspect something times out. After connecting I can't see anything.

Given the long time out I suspect the phone wouldn't connect because it couldn't authenticate.

So it almost works.

[1] Is this legal? I think so. Is it what media owners want? Of course not. They the five of us to have five Apple IDs, and buy "Captain America" five times -- stored only in the cloud and streamed on demand. Happily for them, very few households have managed the trick of a unified device and media library.
[2] I personally have four. How many do you have? Did you realize you can't get rid of any? That your purchases and hardware registration and email may be scattered among them and even hop around? That your Apple ID is a huge security risk? That Cook needs to demote a direct report?  

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Nexus 7 - first impressions

I bought an 8GB Nexus 7 (Asus) primarily as an eBook reader. I didn't want a Kindle because I really don't want to be locked into Amazon's DRM, and the iPad 8" is still 3 months away.

Ok, so maybe the iPad Mini is only 8 weeks away. I admit, it's not a logical purchase. It's at least a look into the Android world, and I'm sure I can find a new owner in a few months.

First impressions:

  • In packaging and in look and feel it's a poor man's iPad. Instead of Apple's compact power supply, it comes with a mini-brick.
  • It's not gorilla glass, just scratch resistant. There's no slip case in the packaging. (Given Google's negative margin on this, a slip case might bankrupt them.)
  • There's no proprietary connector of course, just a micro-USB cable. It's not obvious which way is up, Apple would have embossed the top side of the connector to make that obvious.
  • If you use two-factor authentication authentication/2-step verification things are bit kludgy.
  • If you have multiple google accounts you need to decide which one gets to be "dominant" (others are currently somewhat second class citizens). Shades of my AppleID problems. The device defaults to the Gmail account used to purchase it, which happens to be my two-factor account. I ended up going with that. That's the account that gets contacts and son on.
  • In addition to the $25 app store credit it included one non-public domain book (Bourne Dominion) and one movie (Transformers, dark of the moon). Neither to my tastes, but nice touch.
  • It includes NFC and "Android Beam"
  • There's supposed to be a dynamic range issue with the display. It's not obvious to me yet, but I haven't looked at photos. 
  • You can select wallpapers from your Picasa web albums. The bundled wallpapers are pretty blah.
  • I got an update shortly after launching. No problems.
  • It includes GPS.
  • I like the range of unlock options. I'm trying face unlock for the heck of it. Is slick.
  • It supports encryption, but it's a 1 hour optional process.
  • You can download offline voice recognition support (!)
  • Backup is to the cloud of course.
  • The gesture controls are different from iOS, but there are similarities. I like the calendar interaction.
  • Most things seem stuck in portrait mode.
  • Text entry and editing is less sophisticated than iOS. Also, it doesn't seem to remember that I've disabled acoustic feedback.
  • You can enter multiple Google accounts, each account with a credit card gets $25 on the store. I have 3 accounts of my own, but this means the device supports multiple users.
    • I'm not quite sure how account switching works. After I entered two Google accounts I can switch between them from Gmail, but not from Contacts. I think my Contacts list may be  sum of all accounts?
    • Overall account management seems to be at the app level, and it's incomplete or rocky.
  • There's a set of Google apps, like Gmail, then there's also a Mail app.
  • The UI is a bit puzzling, but I'm used to iOS/Windows/Mac. I can't say the UI is particularly bad, I'm too familiar with the alternatives.
  • I'm surprised there's no Google Drive or Google Docs apps on startup.
  • Messenger creates a G+ account whether you want to or not. I stopped halfway through. Although I never confirmed Picasa integration I think some albums were converted, the old URLs still work but generate a redirect warning. Google can be a rough companion.
  • It fits a 1 quart baggy.
  • There are no parental controls. Not a surprise.

This is a real computer, and Asus is supposed to supply a keyboard/case combination. It will be interesting how much a future version with LTE support will cost.

The Nexus 7 isn't the $125 Barbie B-Smart Netbook I predicted. For one thing it's $75 more, though it does include a battery. For another it's far better value for the dollar. 

So I guess we've made it back into the price range of the 1982 Commodore 64 (cheaper, adjusting for inflation). The price collapse in computing has arrived later than expected, but it's here.

I suspect Apple will come in at $250 for the iPad Mini, whereas a week ago I'd have said $200.

See also:

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Technology defeats the do not call list

I've been getting repeated calls from 459-121-8344. There are web reports on this number, it's supposedly a telemarketer scam.

AT&T will block this number -- for about $6 a month. I tried reporting it as a violation of the do-not-call registry but of course 459 isn't a real area code (it's spoofed). So it can't be reported.

Google Voice will block these numbers.

I suppose if the problem continues I'll have to port my mobile number to GV.

Update 7/31/2012:

I got several more calls, and I tried AT&T support (611). The representative estimates AT&T is getting about 20,000 complaints a week. So the pressure is building for them to provide a free version of the $5/month 'smart limits' call blocking service. He recommended one of those paper things with stamps on them sent to:

AT&T Customer Service
PO Box 246
Artesia, CA 90702

Be polite, do mention that you're on the do-not-call list (even though cell phones shouldn't need to be added, add your number anyway), and request that AT&T provide free call blocking similar to the smart limits service.

In the meantime I added 459-121-8344 to my Contacts list so I could give it a custom ringtone. Later I'll make a ringtone that's a simple soft beep so I don't even hear it.

Friday, July 27, 2012

An AppleScript to prevent the iCloud CRLF bug - normalize line endings

Yesterday I wrote perhaps the fifth AppleScript of my life, and I purged an iCloud paralyzing cloud of "Groups" created as a side-effect of iCloud's CRLF bug.

In the course of writing that brief AppleScript, I benefited from the extraordinary community built known as MacScripter. As I basked in my small victory against the uncaring forces of Appledom, I thought once again of fixing my Address Book's mixed CRLF/LF line terminations with AppleScript. I joined MacScripter and asked for advice.

In response,  Nigel Garvey wrote me a script. I suppose for him it was easier to write the solution than to try to explain it!

I ran it on my Snow Leopard primary address book (of course I made an archive backup). After a few seconds it returned "missing value". I've seen that when scripts complete, though it doesn't seem to be an ideal response.

In any case, I didn't see any evidence of windows style CRLF line terminators. When I exported test addresses as vCard they didn't show unexpected numbers of \n characters; though I continue to have some extra line feeds at the end of notes (but they seem to have LF terminations, not CRLF).

I took an exported archive and imported it into my Mountain Lion machine, then sent it to iCloud. I then viewed on my Lion machine. On all devices I see 1824 contacts and no duplicated notes. The only problem I came across were the extra LF at the end of notes, but they did not appear to be replicating. I think they are benign LF life feeds, not dangerous CRLF pairs.

I believe Mr Garvey's script worked. If you are one of the very few people who ever used MobilMe to sync Windows/Outlook and OS X/Address Book you should back up your Address Book, run this AppleScript, then confirm. Then consider migrating to the Cloud.