Monday, February 23, 2004

smugmug - now if they'd only add preconfigured user print accounts

smugmug - easy photo sharing with the world's best online photo albums
Here's what I wrote them:

Smugmug looks extremely interesting. Maybe you'll do what I've been writing shutterfly and others about for about a year.

I want to create special prefunded preconfigured accounts for specific users to order prints with. Mother, aunt, grandmother, baby sitter, etc.

I would enter mailing addresses, username, password, default print size, and print budget when I set up their accounts.

They would login to my smugmug page and choose their name from a list. They would be asked a password.

Then they would see a simple app for specifying images to print. Then click done. They see a confirmatory screen and confirm.

That's IT. They don't enter credit card info, uname, pword, address, ANYTHING. They only click, enter password, select print, confirm. Prints get mailed to them.

When my account runs low I'm notified to add more money.

HUGE time saver for me. I don't have to worry about shipping, selecting, anything.

Include a special account without an address. That's to give to parents at a party, so they can get prints.

Do this and you'll be drowning in print orders. Money, money, money.

If you weren't already planning to do this, you can give me 10 free prints as a gesture of your eternal gratitude.

Friday, February 20, 2004

Google Viewer and Safari quick keys

Google Viewer
Google viewer is a google experiment -- it generates a slideshow view. I put in on my Safari toolbar, then I (re)discovered that the Cmd-Number keys map to toobar items.

So cmd-1 brings up BlogThis!, cmd-2 TinyUrl, cmd-3 Google Viewer, etc. It's actually FASTER to use this technique for googling than to use the google search field in Safari. In one keystroke I can enter my search term rather than clicking and entering ...

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Slashdot | PC Diagnostic Software Recommendations

Slashdot | Good, Affordable PC Diagnostic Software?
A great Slashdot thread on a topic that audience knows well.

Hushmail Free Encrypted Web-mail: login

Hushmail Free Encrypted Web-mail: login
Hush, like any company or individual, is legally bound to respond to court-issued subpoenas. However, because not even Hush can access the encryption keys of individual users, in the case of a subpoena Hush would only be able to provide the encrypted (coded) version of the transmitted email.

When someone informed BugTraq of a security exploit they found in the leaked NT source code, they used Hushmail. If an uber-hacker thinks it's good ...

Hushmail was probably inspired, in part, by a desire to protect people from the DMCA. These are folks who fear the US is turning into a police state. (Hah, hah, wherever do they get that silly idea. Not from the Patriot Act, CAPSS II, the DMCA, Patriot II ...)

It has other likely users too. Watch for Patriot III to ban it.

Sunday, February 15, 2004