Monday, March 08, 2004

Mac Marginalization - thoughts on Apple's responses ...

Mac Marginalization (Part 2)
Some thoughts, which I need to write-up for MacInTouch:

1. Everyone needs a XP machine, so either:
a. emulation on Mac
b. apple branded headless xp peripheral
c. thin client for an XP machine -- use it to run Mac software/hardware.

2. European litigation.

3. Linux alliance: thin client, run Linux apps. Safari/Firebird alliance.

4. Need all of the above.

Lasersoft Imaging / SilverFast SE: Scanner software for Mac and PC

Lasersoft Imaging / SilverFast SE
This scanning software got an amazing review from a super guru. Demo version available and a "light" version for $50. I'm definitely going to take a look at this.

Tunes 4 library files: Apple Knowledge Base

What are the iTunes 4 library files?This is a great kb article. Note the piece about deleting older versions. It also suggests one could play with the XML file to fix various issues. The description here fits with what I've seen when I access a shared iTunes library from both Mac (maintains database) and PC (drag and drop folders into iTunes to update PC database. It does suggest some potentially interesting experiments with Mac and PC databases.
File Locations:
Mac OS X
/Users/username/Music/iTunes/iTunes 4 Music Library
/Users/username/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml

Microsoft Windows
\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes 4 Music Library.itl
\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music Library.xml

iTunes 4 Music Library (iTunes 4 Music Library.itl in Windows)
This file is a database of the songs in your library and the playlists you've created. If you delete the file, iTunes creates a new, empty copy when you open the application, but any playlists, song ratings, comments, or other information you created is lost. The iTunes 4 Music Library file is only used by iTunes.

Tip: Older versions of iTunes you may have installed and used on the computer created their own version of the file, such as: 'iTunes 3 Music Library' or 'iTunes Music Library (2)'. When you installed and open a new version of iTunes, information from these older files is imported into the new database file. You can delete the older iTunes Library files.

iTunes Music Library.xml
This file contains some (but not all) of the same information stored in the iTunes 4 Music Library file. The purpose of the iTunes Music Library.xml file is to make your music available to other applications on your computer. In Mac OS X other iLife applications (like iPhoto, iDVD, and iMovie) use this file to make it easier for you to add music from your iTunes library to your projects.

So what happens if I delete this one? I need to look at it and try!

Friday, March 05, 2004

Tom's Hardware Guide PCs & HowTo: Cooler and Quieter Barebones PCs? - Choices Galore

Tom's Hardware Guide PCs & HowTo: Cooler and Quieter Barebones PCs? - Choices Galore
Nice review of this marketplace. I'm very interested in these ultracompacts. Heat is an issue, sounds like an external power supply is the answer (just like laptop). They are basically very similar to the original "portables", including carrying bags reminescent of the Osborne bags. I want to pair one with the new Hitachi SATA drive for an XP workstation and game machine.

There's a more recent article, also from Tom's Hardware, here. This one had some cautionary notes:
Due to the crowded configuration of electricity-devouring components, a conflict of purposes automatically arises: the high degree of heat build-up requires a sophisticated cooling concept. There is enormous scope for development work, precisely with regard to this aspect. Most mini-PCs at full capacity currently make significantly more noise than comparably fitted tower systems. But systems such as the Soltek EQ3701M and, to some extent, some of the XPC Shuttle models show what can be done with conventional aids (fans). [put power supply outside of box?]

A quick run-down of some highlights of this test: two systems with powerful ATI graphics (IGP9100 onboard) - Biostar iDEQ 200A and Shuttle XPC ST61G4 - are also suitable for newer 3D games because of their DirectX-8.1 compatibility. Not so the Intel 865G (DirectX 7) and Nvidia NForce 2 (DirectX 7 with GeForce-2 core), which are completely outmoded and only good for 2D applications. If you want to get the most out of current DirectX-9 games, sooner or later you'll have to get yourself an AGP graphic a lá GeForce FX5950 or Radeon 9800.

The Aopen with the XC Cube EZ65 is a winner right from the start, a sleek combination of great looks and good equipment coupled with neat details. Soltek sets the tone with the EQ3701M's very low running noise - similar to the previous test. Biostar is putting up some competition for Shuttle: the manufacturer likewise offers a mini-system for the Athlon 64 (Socket 754) - for under $383 (300 Euro).

That just leaves us wishing for an integrated DVI interface so that the mini-PC could give optimum output with a TFT monitor. Or how about HDMI straight off?