Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Portable wi-fi phones -- now it gets interesting

Vonage to offer portable Wi-Fi phones | CNET News.com
SANTA CLARA, Calif.--Broadband phone service provider Vonage will make available portable Wi-Fi phones later this year to help defend itself against AT&T's expansion into its market, a Vonage executive said Monday.

I looked at Vonage for our home service. Made no sense at all. A trifling savings for a pile of pain.

Portable wi-fi phones are a different matter. Now it starts to get interesting.

Blacktree - Quicksilver for OS X - Cory Doctorow likes it

Blacktree - Quicksilver
Quicksilver is an evolving structure for manipulating any form of data. The current modules include a launcher, a clipboard recorder, and a shelf.

This web site defines cryptic. Doctorow likes it, swears it's better than my beloved OS X Launchbar. Worth revisiting in a month or two?