Thursday, May 20, 2004

For Sale Used $77: Altec Lansing inMotion Portable Audio Speakers 1.0 Electronics: Altec Lansing inMotion Portable Audio Speakers 2.0
I have the first generation version of these speakers, now for sale on Amazon. I don't know what the distinction is between version 1.0 and version 2.0, the descriptions seem identical.

My speakers are in very good condition, they've been sitting on my office desk with some occasional travel. I'd say they're very close to new, except that the rubber plug that covers the firewire connector (it's used with older iPods that don't have a docking port) is dusty. I may even have the original box at home. (Update: don't bet on the box, I haven't found it yet.)

Version two sells for $110 on Amazon. I'm selling version one used for $77. Amazon typically adds about $5 to cover shipping; in reality it costs about $8 to ship with insurance but I've factored that into the price.

If you'd like to buy these, follow this Amazon link (may not be available prior to 5/21) and look for my entry in the used item section.

If you want to learn more about me before buying, my blogs and personal site tell more than anyone would like to know.

Fire-i Camera Technical Specs - webcam, security

Unibrain's Support - Fire-i Camera Technical Specs
Now this is an odd device ...

Note Studio

Note Studio
Palm and PC application for simple html pages.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Restoring Panther with Retrospect Desktop - Macintouch

Mac OS X Panther (10.3.3): "Restoring Panther with Retrospect Desktop

Merle Reinhart
I have successfully done what Paul Spector is trying to do several times, both with Retrospect 5 and 6. The trick that took me a couple of attempts to learn appears to also be missing from Paul's attempt.

After initializing the volume you want to restore, change the ownership to be root and group admin with privileges of rwx for the owner and group and r for the world. Then as long as the volume is set to observe permissions (i.e. the 'Ignore ownership on this volume' is unchecked), then Retrospect should properly restore the directory and file ownerships and permissions.

However, it appears that Retrospect doesn't modify the ownership/permissions of the root of the volume you are restoring to (this is likely why Dantz recommends restoring the backup over a fresh OS install as all the permissions and ownerships will already be correct).The other thing that I've found that should be done prior to booting from the restored volume, delete all the caches (including the kernel caches). Since technically, this is a new machine, these caches all need to be rebuilt (which means that the initial boot could take a few minutes).

Anyway, that has been my experience in using Retrospect for an OS restore. It works and can be faster than a new OS install (particularly if you have a lot of 3rd party programs or data), but you have to be careful of the ownership of the volume prior to starting the restore."

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Using Command lines with Outlook 2003: Clen Profile -- reset registry

Using Command lines with Outlook 2003
Outlook /cleanprofile:
Removes invalid profile keys and recreates default registry keys where applicable.

Outlook help has command line page like this one. If Outlook is behaving oddly this is a good starting fix.

Yahoo! Maps show wifi hotspots

Yahoo! Maps
Now this is useful. Yahoo has a button on its maps that shows WiFi hotspots. Very, very nice.

I love the integration between Yahoo maps and Google. Too bad their competitors. I guess Google will have to buy Mapquest. Mapquest maps don't impress me; what I really want is tight integration between search, maps, and my personal data. Even Yahoo has done a poor job of integrating the "address book" and the "map location" list.

Dantz Retrospect: E-1101 (file or folder not found) on an unattended backup of a Microsoft networking volume: need to edit services management console

Dantz: What causes error -1101 (file or folder not found) on an unattended backup of a Microsoft networking volume?
Article ID: 27362
Date Created: 2002-07-18 Date Modified: 2004-04-07

... Under Windows NT, 2000, and XP, the error will occur any time Retrospect has autolaunched and you have Microsoft networking volumes in your script. This is because by default when Retrospect autolaunches it is running under the LocalSystem account, which doesn't have a login to the Microsoft networking volume. If you wish to run unattended backups of this networking volume and you are running Retrospect on Windows NT, 2000, or XP, you will need to take a few additional steps as follows:

- Quit Retrospect.
- Open the Services control panel (NT) or Services management console (2000/XP).
- In the list of services, select Retrospect Launcher, and click the Startup button (NT) or get Properties (2000/XP).
- Set the "Log on As" account information to your regular login, instead of the default "LocalSystem" account. Be sure to enter a valid name and password.

Now when Retrospect autolaunches, it will be running as the user you specified, and thus it will be able to access the networked volume, whether you are logged into Windows or not.

For more information on backing up using Microsoft networking, see the knowledgebase article titled "How do I back up Microsoft networking volumes using Retrospect for Windows?"

When I followed the directions I got error 1069 ... logon failure. I checked out a few other Dantz knowledge base articles and I was left with the distinct impression this doesn't work in version 6.0. Supposedly version 6.5 fixes it, but history has made me skeptical about Dantz's promises.

I'll try saving a script and scheduling that to run through the Windows scheduler.