Friday, May 20, 2005

Google accelerator bug: Webmail incompatible

Faughnan's Notes: Google Web Accelerator for XP and Firefox (ok, for IE too)

I was working on webmail access to a user account in my domain and the Horde and Squirrel web clients seemed both to be failing. Perhaps this is coincidence, but after disabling Google Accelerator they worked again.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Macintouch spotlight review

Spotlight (Tiger Review)

The best overview I've seen of Spotlight thus far. The bottom line -- it works well enough to be useful, but it has at least two more revisions to go before it will be a solid tool. I'd guess 10.4.4. (10.4.1 is out, 10.4.2 will focus on bug fixes, 10.4.3 will start to address functional issues).

Using Spotlight with application controlled data stores is the interesting question (Entourage, FileMaker, etc). This is much more ambitious than merely indexing documents. I dimly recall old issues of BYTE referring to a 1970s era OS that had a true database as its file store -- it could manage this trick.

O'Reilly: Build a Simple MP3 Player for Your Site

O'Reilly: Build a Simple MP3 Player for Your Site

Embed tag and JavaScript. I've seen bits of this in many places, but never in one article.

TAGBAG Dashboard Widget: spotlight metadata management

TAGBAG Dashboard Widget
...One of the proposals for getting things done via Dashboard and Spotlight is to tag your files via the built-in Spotlight-Comment option. This allows to set several tags for every important file you have, and later on you can search for these tags, or simply created searchable folders which consist out of all those files containing special tags...

Tagbag helps you to keep track of which tags you used. It always shows a list of all tags you have been using so far. This makes it easier for you to just use a small but sorted set of tags, without forgetting about which tags you used where. In addition to that it allows you to see a list of all files having a certain tag by simply clicking on the tags name...
Similar to the way labels work in Gmail.

Moving about images in iPhoto 5 and prior


"In versions of iPhoto before 5, when you zoomed in on a photo in edit mode, you could hold down the Command key to drag the image around; it was a lot easier than using the scrollbars to move around within the image. In iPhoto 5, though, Apple made Command-clicking while in edit mode set a white point for the image (it works only if you click on an appropriately white part of the image), and as far as I knew, eliminated entirely the Command-dragging approach to moving around while zoomed in. Kudos to Markus Silpala, then for discovering that you can in fact still drag a photo in edit mode to move around - the trick in iPhoto 5 is that you must hold down the Spacebar while doing so."

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Disabling the obnoxious Symantec Norton Antivirus security alerts when auto-protect is off

MCSE World Forums - Symantec Security Alert - How do I stop them?

I don't like the 50% performance hit induced by NAV scanning. I'm inclined to take a chance on leaving it off much of the time (I have pretty excessive backup tendencies); I'll still run my nightly full system scan and the mail scans should still work.

Problem is, Norton produces an obnoxious alert every five minutes if one disables the auto-protect feature. Thank heavens, this works:
Take the path C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\Security Center\ to locate two files; symwsc.exe and symwscno.exe. Create a new folder in the same directory and place the two files in it rather than delete them (just in case...). You shouldn't get the alerts after this.
Thanks shingirai kanyemba.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Remove DRM from iTunes music: JHymm

JHymn Info and Help

If I've paid for music and I will be using it in a way consistent with fair use, I have no personal issues removing DRM protection. Here's how.