Saturday, February 27, 2010

My 10.6 iMac is crashing - a debugging exercise

I hate when this happens. It's been a while fortunately.

My now flicker-free fairly new 27" quad core iMac is crashing.

There are two common failure modes. One is that it locks up when displaying photos in the screensaver. The clue is that the same images display repeatedly. The second mode is that iTunes becomes unresponsive, and then the Finder as well. I get the SBOD/SPOD/spinning beachball of death.

If I kill both I can restart iTunes, but not the Finder. I've tried several fixes. First I ran Safe Boot (shift restart). Then I installed the latest version of Onyx and ran the usual clean, check, maintenance, etc. Everything passed but the problems have persisted.

So I've begun uninstalling anything invasive. First I removed CrashPlan, and today I uninstalled 1Password (a quite involved uninstall, see OS X defect: The missing uninstaller).

I've been suspicious of 1Password for a while. I'm also monitoring, which is full of "missing bundle identifier" Office 2008 related messages. I've found mention of this problem in association with kernel panics last November, with a more recent responses. For example:
... 2/27/10 8:10:35 PM [0x0-0x28028].com.vmware.fusionDaemon[296] 2010-02-27 20:10:35.581 pkgutil[299:60f] PackageKit: *** Missing bundle identifier: /Library/Receipts/Office2008_en_proofing_brazilian.pkg...
Soo why the heck does vmware Fusion put this message out? ( also complains, but that make sense). VMWare Fusion is doing quite a bit on startup, even though it's "not running".

 Tonight I'll run the Apple hardware test that came with my machine in loop mode. (I think you need to attach a physical kb to get this to work -- holding 'D' on my bluetooth kb didn't seem to do anything.) If the problem persists, VMWare will be the next to go (For example). I want it to run my XP VM, but if need be I can move that VM to a MacBook running 10.5 and Fusion 2. If I figure this one out, I'll update this post.

PS. Bundle Identifier via Apple Dev:
The bundle identifier string identifies your application to the system. This string must be a uniform type identifier (UTI) that contains only alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9), hyphen (-), and period (.) characters. The string should also be in reverse-DNS format. For example, if your company’s domain is and you create an application named Hello, you could assign the string com.Ajax.Hello as your application’s bundle identifier.
  • I moved the suspicious Office 2008 .pkg files to another drive. I'll see if I can reduce the Console messages.
  • I realized that when I drag things to the trash they're being deleted immediately, rather than put in the trash. I found an old article on this that's being cited by 10.6 users recently. Naturally it's a permissions problem. I wonder if it's related to the odd way my account was created when I used migration assistant (long story). I'll try some of those fixes.
Update b: Getting somewhere.

Ok, this is interesting. As described by the X Lab document I was getting the "will be deleted immediately" trash message because I had lost read/write privileges to my home directory. On inspection my User directory folders all refer to an user "_unknown". I think this was a side-effect of how I set up my account, which was:
  1. I setup an account called "jfaughnan" on my new machine.
  2. After a while I deleted it an migrated the "jfaughnan" account from my old machine.
  3. The new account was given the home folder name "jfaughnan 1". On inspection I found that deleting the user "jfaughnan" failed to remove the original home directory.
I'll keep working this one. I also would wonder about VMware messing up my privileges and about migration assistant inheriting known permissions problems from my old machine.

Update 2/28/2010: Went through 18 loops without a problem, so hardware seems good. I'll keep hitting on the software issues - esp. VMWare.

Update 3/2/2010: I thought I was getting somewhere, but today it was unresponsive with a faint glowing blue screen. I tried putting it to sleep by pressing the power button, but nothing happened. Then, on a hunch, I turned off an attached firewire 400 drive. The system responded, then went to sleep. It woke up normally.

On resumption there was an iTunes complaint about loss of Apple Store connectivity. Meanwhile my console showed many instances of this message:
3/2/10 3:45:14 PM[155] ([13839]) Exited with exit code: 1
Now I'm suspicious that 10.6.2 has a problem with sleeping firewire 400 drives. Spanning Sync and MobileMe get frownies too because of the Address Book message, and Time Machine because my last TM backup concluded just before the lockup.

Update 3/11/10: It's still locking up, sometimes with awake from sleep and sometimes with switching users. It might be less frequent - maybe once a week. I'm suspicious of VMWare 3.02 on 10.6.2. I don't see any useful Console messages. I will try restarting the machine every few days as a prophylactic measure. Maybe 10.6.3 will help, it should be out soon.

Update 3/12/10: Got the faint blue screen, and again turning off the external drive did the trick. The screensaver slideshow uses that Firewire 400 drive. I ran Disk Utility and cleaned up permissions on the drive. It's set to ignore ownership. Looks like yet another OS/firewire problem.

Update 3/13/10: Found iTunes was not responding. Time Machine backup not working. When I tried to add a share got spinning beachball (noted, however, a share reference to a user account that was deleted - bug there). Console said slide show found a corrupted jpeg. Unable to shutdown -- until I turned off external firewire drive. I think 10.6 and new iMacs have serious problems with Firewire 400 enclosures. Errors seem to cause the OS to blow up - perhaps some kind of memory overow issue.

Update 3/13/10b: Huge discussion thread on firewire issues in 10.6. I think I found my problem.

Update 3/13/10c: Apple just truncated the massive firewire complaint thread. Really, it didn't have anything to do with me. I guess they took care of that problem. I've switched to USB for now, I'll try firewire again with 10.6.3.

Update 3/29/2010: Same crash - locked up screen saver - but this time I was using a USB drive. Turning the drive off then on again cleared the problem. So this isn't a firewire problem after all! It's a screensaver and external drive bug. The console is showing "corrupt JPEG data", but that might just be from power cycling the drive.

Update 5/12/2010: I think this was fixed by 10.6.3. I haven't seen it since. I only have a USB drive attached however, so I can't rule out a Firewire bug. The "corrupt JPEG" console message was a red herring caused by loss of the drive when trying to display in the screensaver.

Update 10/27/2010: Things have been pretty stable since 10.6.3.

Friday, February 26, 2010

OS X 10.6 bug: persistent reconnection

I don't recall running into this problem with 10.5.

I want to connect to a network share using my remote machine user name and password. Snow Leopard, however, insists on connection using my MobileMe user name. If I disconnect, it simply reconnects.

I've yet to find a workaround.
My Google Reader Shared items (feed)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Facebook Lite blank page - no fix

Today is my day for tech roadblocks.

I can't figure out how to get Outlook 2007 notes to be exported as text files for use with notational velocity/simplenote, and I can't fix my mother's blank page.

I'd set my mother's FB account to always start "lite". It's a cleaner, simpler, faster UI. Unfortunately, it doesn't get a lot of FB love. There's a bug where the page loads empty. There's no way to convince FB to ignore the default "always lite" settings.

I found a hack that will get me to account settings - use this URL: "".

I didn't have to actually enter my password with this hack, but it did bring me to normal settings. From there I can see her Profile view. Unfortunately, standard settings don't include the facebook lite control -- that's only available from

I was able to fight my way to a report form, but I don't hold out much hope. I'll try from XP at work and see if things are any better.

Once I do get into her account I'll turn off the "always lite" setting. That's clearly a bad idea!

See also: disable-facebook-lite-switch-to-normal-facebook

Update 2/26/2010: The next day, from work using IE 8, I was able to get a non-blank page. I then switched her to regular facebook. A DNS issue? I use GoogleDNS and/or OpenDNS at home.
My Google Reader Shared items (feed)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Weird 1Password related bug with account migration

I've used 1Password for a while, but I've always been uneasy about the hacks used to get access to browsers. As best I can tell 1Password has stopped using evil input managers, but it has had a shady past.

So when I switched to a transiently flickering 27" i5 iMac I didn't install 1Password right away. I figured I'd get around to it, but I forgot (I mostly use it on my iPhone).

Recently I was having odd lockups with 10.6, so I uninstalled CrashPlan because of some suspicious behaviors. The problem persisted, so I checked my It was full of messages about missing bundle bits with 1Password. All I can guess is that bits of 1Password migrated when I used Migration Assistant to move my old account (but no apps).

I downloaded and installed 1Password 3 (Snow Leopard compliant) and the Console messages are gone.


Now we'll see if my lockup problems resolve ...
My Google Reader Shared items (feed)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Series of 10.6 bugs related to erasing (formatting) an external drive

OS X Grab is a pretty simple utility, so I was quite surprised when it hung with a spinning pizza of death (SPOD, SBOD) on saving a screen capture.

Deleting preferences didn't help. I switched to the Admin account to test there, and it hung with a blue screen.

What the heck was going on?

The source of this and several other bugs, including a lockup the night before, was I was performing a 7 layer erase and FAT format on an external drive being recycled for donation.

It appears than several Finder/File system related operations in 10.6 will hang when an external drive is being erased.

I've been using 10.6 for a few months on my newest machine. It's not bad, but it's still not as stable as 10.5.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Google Buzz, Chat and Reader - together at last. Farewell Twitter.

Buzz is up, though at the moment it's sluggish and it looks like Googel IM/SMS may have cratered along with it. Probably being hammered.

The Buzz site says it's being rolled out gradually, but I clicked the sign up button there and it seemed to add it to my Gmail. It looks like my Buzz followers include my Google Reader shared item followers (I'm following 43 people and 22 people are following me) plus my Chat correspondents.

The Buzz shared items are the sum of Chat status messages, Google reader shared items and Picasa image shares:
Your Google Reader shared items, Picasa Web public albums, and Google Chat status messages will automatically appear as posts in Buzz. To edit your connected sites or change privacy settings, view connected sites.
"Connected sites" create posts in Buzz. Mine started out with Picasa public albums and Google Reader shared items. It's not, however, showing my Chat status messages as a "connected site" so there's something funny there. Those should really show as "connected sites". [I don't think Chat updates are doing anything at the moment].

I think that Buzz is the gathering point and Buzz posts don't go to Google Reader shared items or to Chat status, but really it's hard to tell. The site is semi-stable at the moment.

I've never had much use for Twitter, and it looks like I'll have even less use in the future - especially if Google ties this into SMS.

PS. Viewing the people I follow, I see that my "leonine" OS X 10.6 user account icon has now metastasized to be attached in Gmail's Buzz follower view to my corporate email. Where will it go next?

Update: I reviewed how these display in my Google Profile, and I decided it was a bit too much information to have publicly available there. My Google Profile is very discoverable, hence corporate. So I removed the connectivity to Reader Shared items. I'll explore this over time.

Update 2: I wonder if Google will even try to submit an iPhone Buzz app, given that Apple would almost certainly reject it.

See also:

Saturday, February 06, 2010

OS X Address Book: How do you show all groups for a Contact?

Once upon a time, an early version of OS X Address Book allowed one to see all the Groups to which an address belonged:
InformIT: Mac OS X Unleashed - Address Book: "the group setup window should appear,"
I don't believe there's a group setup window any more. It's easy to add an address to a group, but I don't think there's away to inspect or interact with an address and find out which groups it belongs to.

I often want to do this, particularly when I deal with duplicate address book entries.


I doubt Apple will fix this. If they ever do crack the hood on Address Book, maybe they could also fix the "Find Duplicates" function - such as provide a "show duplicates" option. Or at least document what the merge behavior really is!

Update 2/26/2010: Per Comment by Kate: "Simple. Select the address card you want to find groups for. Press the option key. The groups the address belongs to will be highlighted." Knowing the answer I searched on this, and found only one reference in an old version of Pogue's "Mac OX X" Missing manual series. How did Kate know this?

Update 2/27/2010: It's in the "manual" (online help). Of course. It's not even hard to find. I searched on "show groups" and found:

Select a contact in the Name column.

Hold down the Option key.

Address Book highlights the groups the contact belongs to in the Groups column. If you have a lot of groups, scroll the list to see all of the highlighted groups.

Total humiliation, total fail.