Thursday, September 30, 2010

A free lesson in multi-user web apps – Google Docs collaboration

Google has published a 3 part overview of how their Document collaboration framework.

If you’ve ever wrestled with permissive locks and multi-user collaboration (ex: encounter based care) it’s a bit mind blowing. They must have a bucket of patents on this one, but the lessons are free for all to learn and apply …

  1. Working together, even apart
  2. Conflict resolution
  3. Making collaboration fast

If nothing else, these articles do lay out all the issues. They provide a framework for thinking about these problems.

I do love blogs.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

An iPhone 3G with unchangeable black wallpaper - solved (groan)

Skip to the end for the (sob) solution ...
Tim's 3G wallpaper was black. For him this was not a feature. He likes setting his wallpaper, though not always to my tastes.

I tried restarting his iPhone, but the problem persisted. Then I installed 4.1. That went oddly; it threw up a very cryptic and long error code about a firmware update failure, but then it completed. (Yes, I wish I'd noted the error code. These sorts of number codes are typically useless, but they're better than nothing.)

The phone seemed fine, but the wallpaper was still black. Interestingly it let me choose an image, but only the lock image changed - but there was no error code and no option to choose a background image.

After that I ran the troubleshoot gamut ...
The repeated firmware install went without an error, but even that didn't work!

I think next fix I can imagine would involve jailbreaking and browsing the file system to see if I can locate an odd image stored with some kind of permissions or lock problem. Or I could try an Apple store.

Or it could be a memory hardware error.


Then I tried restoring the phone, and I got "an error occurred ... -402636802". I then looked at the app install and it was grayed out. I knew what that was due to!

I disconnected from iTunes, turned off restrictions (App Install), reconnected, and let iTunes finish the app restore.

Still can't fix the black background (missing background image really) problem.


I figured this one out.

Remember, it's been a while since I used a 3G.

The 3G never had changeable wallpaper. Only the lock screen could be changed. Tim misled me by phrasing this as a lost feature. In reality he just wanted me to make his phone work like his parents' phones.

Well, that was certainly educational. Embarrassing too. At least it was a cold gray day.

The phone is fine. The install bug is real though.

When Safari locks up - Kill Flash process

A #$!@ ad on Salon locked up Safari.

I started Activity Monitor, sorted by Process Name, and force quite Flash Player (Safari internet plug-in).

Safari lives again.

Death to Adobe.

Updating Emily's 3GS to 4.1 - crash

I waited until 4.1 to be safe, but when I tried to update Emily's 3GS it was a disaster.

The phone went into recovery mode. Of course I forgot to pull photos off it, so I fear any on the phone will be lost.

Stupid of me not to pull the photos off.

So how often does the 4.1 update bork a 3GS?

Update: I was wrong. Backup does include photo and video. iTunes did an initial restore of the firmware (to 4.1 actually) then it let me restore from backup and we have the photos. I can think of a few reasons why her phone blew up
  1. As it was doing the upgrade I plugged in another phone to iTunes. This is not normally a problem. iTunes can normally manage multiple connected iPhones. The upgrade pear shaped within a second, probably less than a second, of plugging in the other iPhone.
  2. I used to sync this phone with a different account with a shared .Mac ID. I'd moved it over (separate post why) to a family account with the same .Mac ID, but I hadn't bothered to replace the music.
Update: With Tim's 3G iphone, which has always been synchronized to this account, I got an "error occurred while restoring this iPhone" during the 4.1 update. I think there's another reason for that however.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Synchronizing iPhone to Google - a review

Nothing new here, just a summary of the different ways one can sync between an iPhone and Google (Personal or Apps).

Ok, some of these things (dual alarm) are new with 4.2. Also new in 4.x, I think, is that if you choose the default Gmail account sync in the iPhone you get an option to sync your calendar. I think that used to require some separate setup. Note "Exchange" means ActiveSync.

My impression is that Apple likes CalDAV/IMAP and Google likes ActiveSync; they call it GoogleSync.

  • IMAP only - not sure this is worth anything anyway. Use Simplenote.
  • Exchange only

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why the new look?

I'm trying a new template, and making some other changes with "carriage returns" to see if I can get slightly less awful results with Blogger's rich text editor.

Update 9/25/10: didn't fix the problems

OS X 10.6: Synchronizing Address Book to Google Contacts

The Help file for OS X 10.6.4 (Snow Leopard) Address Book sync to Google Contacts links to this oddly named Google page: Where can I find information about Contact Sync? - Contact Sync Help.

This is what we get.

I'm working up to trying this. Currently I sync my iPhone contacts like this:
  1. Corporate: to and from Exchange 2007 [1].
  2. iPhone Personal <-> MobileMe Contacts
There are two additional syncs
  1. MobileMe <-> OS X Address Book <-> Google Contacts (My Contacts)
The last of these is mediated by Spanning Sync.

Both MobileMe and Spanning Sync cost money. I could easily live without MobileMe Contacts.

So I'm considering either  ...
  1. iPhone Personal <-> OS X Address Book <-> Google Contacts
  2. iPhone Personal <-> Google Contacts <-> OS X Address Book
Either way the Google Contacts to OS X Address Book would be mediated by Contact Sync.

Remember how easy this all way with the Palm III?

[1] This means my employer can wipe my iPhone at any time. This might or might not delete photos. Everything else is either synchronized or backed up, but a remote wipe would be a pain. Know your risks.