Saturday, January 29, 2011

Using OS X Spaces, Expose, Minimize and Hide - best practices 2.0

I'm an old dog. It takes work to change my habits. A year ago I took a look at how I use my OS X workspace: Using OS X Spaces, Expose, Minimize and Hide - best practices.

Since then I've switched all my machines to 10.6. This is what I do now (I use two displays):

  • I've given up on Spaces. It almost works, but some multi-window apps get scattered across Spaces. Even when it works, it's not quite right. Even in 10.6 it fits poorly with Expose, Minimize, and Hide. I think Apple has given up too; the newest keyboards have a labeled shortcut key for Expose, but not for Spaces. I now use Spaces only when I'm running Fusion -- it gets its own Space.
  • I love 10.6 Expose. There are four things you need to know
    • If you click-hold on an app's doc icon Expose shows only that app's windows
    • If you show all windows in Expose, then click on an app's doc icon, you see only that app's windows
    • With 10.6 minimized windows show up in expose in their own row
    • Hidden windows do not show up in Expose -- unless you click on the app's doc icon. Then they are forced to appear.

With 10.6 I recommend ...

  • Learn Expose.
  • Use minimize and the "grow" button [1]
  • Don't use Spaces except for unusual cases such as running a VM. I might try using my 2nd Space just for Aperture.
  • Don't use Hide and Hide Others. They are legacy functions left over from Mac Classic. They don't mesh well with Expose.

[1] The "grow" button is problematic. iTunes is completely non-standard for minimize and grow (need to hold opt key to get correct behavior), and many apps simply expand to the entire screen instead of following the "grow to best size" algorithm.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Reeder and Reader change how I read the NYT

My Google world editions experiment has a B grade so far. It's not bad, but Google's news algorithms underrate the NYT and the Guardian. I get too many 2nd and 3rd tier news sources.

Fortunately, my favorite Google Reader iPhone client [2] has changed the way I access the NTY. has integrated Arc90's Readability.

Why does this matter? It matters because the NYT's feed posts are not full text. They're simply pointers to the web articles and they are not mobile-optimized. Byline, my previous iPhone GR client, used to cache these articles [1] so they were fast to display, but Reeder doesn't. Until recently I used Reeder's integrated Google or Instapaper mobilizers to read NYT articles, but that stopped working.

I could use the NYT's iPhone app to read the NYT, but that's a source-specific workflow. Worse, the NYT iPhone app doesn't integrate with my Google Reader shares.

Now, however, Reeder with readability works perfectly with the NYT. To the NYT it looks like I'm fetching pages via a browser, but Reeder's readability function post-processes the page so it renders perfectly on my iPhone.

Screen shot 2011-01-22 at 2.41.30 PM.pngMy NYT workflow starts with the NYT RSS resource page. From there I added about 10 feeds to Google Reader. Individual feeds belong to any of several "folders", but they all belong to an "NYT" folder.

In the articles show as short titles and introductions. By tapping a small icon, or using a spread-finger gusture, I tell Reeder to load the entire article using Readability. From there I can share via Google Reader Shared Items or add notes. Those shared items, in turn, go into my twitter stream. (Typically with truncated annotations. I'm not among those who praise Twitter's insane string length limits).

It's a far better workflow than using the NYT iPhone app. Recommended.

[1] I'm not sure the NYT allows this any more.
[2] There's an iPad client too. A Mac OS X client is in beta, but on the desktop I typically use Google Reader's native web interface.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The surprisingly quiet OS X App Store: I buy iWorks'

I'd been considering buy iWorks for a while. I've been particularly interested in Apple's, as I don't have a desktop spreadsheet on my Macs and I don't want to install Office. I've been using Google Spreadsheet for a few years, but that's an annoying experience. I've also considered Mariner Calc, but it seems a lost (noble) cause given the growth of iWorks [1].

I was going to wait for the next version of iWorks, but with the OS X (Apple) App Store launch Numbers is sold separately for $20. I decided to combine a Numbers purchase with a visit to the App Store. Along the way I picked up Spanning Sync's Contact Cleaner for $5 (recommended). Here's what I learned.

I'll dispense with Numbers first. On initial testing, Numbers feels like an OS X version of AppleWorks' spreadsheet. Some of the UI elements are bizarre. It includes data filters, for example, but the data filter checkbox is grayed out until you click the "+" control to the right of the criteria entry fox. Clearly this was not built by Apple's A team.

Numbers will import from Microsoft Excel, AppleWorks 6, CSV, tab delimted and Open Financial Exchange (OFX) format. It exports as Excel and CSV (amazingly, not Apple's longstanding tab delimited format). The installer does not include a user guide, but there's a help file link to Apple's user guide download site. I expect the DVD version of Numbers has more templates and examples than the App Store version.

Numbers is probably worth about $20, especially if it works for Emily. It's not worth more than that given its proprietary file format.

Numbers is worth $20, that is, depending on its DRM. This is the interesting part of the Apple Store. How does the DRM work?

You purchase an app from the Apple OS X App Store using your iTunes account. You don't get an installer. Installation is managed by "App". There's no "uninstall" documentation in the associated help function or anywhere on Apple's site (drag package to trash basically). If you change machines you're supposed to authenticate to the App Store using your iTunes credentials and reinstall. If you want to install on multiple machines (apparently supported by the DRM, Darwin knows what the EULA says) you authenticate and install on each.

The installer has no progress indicator. It feels like it's a very early beginning, which is typical of new Apple products. If you click on the "Purchases" icon you will see a progress bar (137MB download) [2].

The installer places the app into the Global "Applications" folder, not the user Applications folder. It is available to all accounts on the host machine. I don't know if vendors can change this. As an experiment, I zipped up the package from my Applications folder and copied it to a 10.6.5 machine that didn't have App Store installed. It ran there without complaint.

I also tried copying to a G5 running 10.5. It didn't work on this machine. Whereas iWorks '09 supports the G5 (universal app) the downloaded from the App Store is Intel only. This isn't an Apple problem of course -- Apple doesn't license these apps to be installed outside of the App Store, much less on a G5. Still, there are, for now, some advantages to buying Numbers on the DVD.

For the moment then, the app store DRM is light. Even if Apple vanished next year, you could still use Numbers. Unlike, say, what happens to Google's Documents when Google vanishes someday. Of course this is likely to change, and there are probably options to make the DRM controls tighter even with the current store.

In bullet form, some further impressions of the Jan 2011 App store

  • Vendor pricing is largely unimpressive. It's usually identical to retail. Yes, I'm looking at you, Omni Group! Considering the DRM uncertainties and installer absence most geeks will want to buy direct. Of course since Apple takes a 70% cut ...
  • Apple's prices are price competitive. Apple's 70% overhead goes to, you know, Apple. I like the unbundling of iWorks and iLife. Since Apple doesn't offer upgrade discounts on most products the App Store versions are interesting. Of course there's no installer, no universal apps, probably fewer templates, etc. Still, for Apple products the App Store is interesting.
  • The $80 new user price of Aperture is aggressive (it's about the upgrade price for current users). Be warned, however, that Aperture is not iPhoto Pro. Apple is slowly turning Aperture into iPhoto Pro but there are still missing data structures. If you migrate, for example, you lose all your Album and Event annotations. At Apple's current lethargic pace they are probably 3 years away from turning Aperture into a true iPhoto upgrade. (Sure, they market it as an iPhoto upgrade. Did you know Apple lies?)
  • I did see a few interesting utilities and, of course, small games. We all expect to see more OS X versions of iOS apps distributed this way, but there aren't many yet.
  • In general the app store felt sparse and quiet.

What's in the App Store?

  • Apple's consumer products and Aperture (which used to be "Pro" but is slouching towards being, maybe one day but not yet, iPhoto advanced).
  • Printshop 2 by Broderbund (Wow. Still exists.)
  • World Book encyclopedia for $30
  • Omni Group products, all at list price
  • MarsEdit
  • TextWrangler and BBedit
  • Yojimbo
  • Spanning Sync utilities (I bought Contact Cleaner for $5)

Apps that aren't there (yet)

  • Rogue Amoeba: Their wonderful apps help us do things like capture streaming audio. Not supported by Apple!
  • Apple's professional market products
  • Mathematica: Probably too expensive
  • Filemaker apps: Pro and Bento. This surprised me. Are they just not ready? Do they violate guidelines? Is the 70% cut too harsh?
  • Nisus Writer Pro: It's on the way, but not there yet.
  • Most of Mariner's software
  • Adobe products
  • Microsoft products
  • Many of the interesting niche market information management apps

I suspect that the smaller vendors are going to come along, but the price advantage for Apple products is harsh. Few will be able to compete with that. [3]

[1] iWorks, of course, has completely proprietary file formats. The only saving grace is that many files embed PDF in the package structure, so perhaps we can dig out the PDF and interpret the data after Apple disappears in 2027. I fear the battle for open file formats has been lost. Sometimes the good guys go down, but there will be many replays in years to come. For documents I use Nisus Writer Professional, despite its clumsy handling of images (no $#@! compression?!) and worthless HTML export. The default RTF output is as close to a standard file format as 2011 provides.
[2] I've read that the file that download is an installer, but it's hidden and deleted after installation. It doesn't go the trash.
[3] Eventually this may get them into European antitrust issues.

Update 1/30/11: There is more to Numbers that I realized. One of the big limitations of Excel is that you your print surface is your worksheet. In Numbers worksheets are distributed on the print/view workspace. That is a big improvement. I need to do a separate post on Numbers.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

How I synchronize OS X Contacts with Google Contacts and my iPhone

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. Dante.

This one is for Martin.

I have synchronized my OS X Address Book entries with Google Contacts and MobileMe/iPhone for over a year. It mostly works. This is how I would do the Google Calendar part of it if I were starting out today. The MobileMe stuff is relatively easy [1] and I won't describe it further.

Before I begin, however, I require any reader to pass through three gates of informed consent ...

Gate 1. “Do I feel lucky?” Well do ya, punk?

If there's anything in this post you don't understand, you shouldn't try this. It could blow your Address Book apart. You might spend months reassembling it.

Gate 2. Read my 2011 resolution on managing complexity.

This is on the premature adoption end of things. It's taken about twenty years of boring, career destroying committee work to develop an incomplete and flawed standard sharing calendars and invitations. We're ten years of pain away from a similar standard for exchanging contact information.

Gate 3: Scan my Synchronization is Hell post.

Ok, you're informed. If you proceed, as a fringe benefit, you may come to understand why healthcare, a trillion dollar industry, seems stuck in the dark ages of IT. If it's hard to get address books to communicate, how much harder is it to send patient records from system A to system B? You may start to understand things like Halamka's post on a "Universal Exchange Language" for healthcare (heavens, but he's an optimist).

I use OS X Address Book as the "source of truth". That's where I add new addresses, and that's where I define what gets pushed to Google. If most of your contacts are in Google you would take a different approach.

Step 1: Buy Spanning Sync's Contact Cleaner ($5, App store) and try Spanning Sync ($25 a year, $20 if you use my referral code NXC8PS, 15 day free trial). I don't use it sync calendars, just contacts.

Step 2: Back up Address Book. Then use Contact Cleaner to clean it up; note warnings about unusual suffixes and the like. Sync works best with a first name, last name for individuals (no spaces) and a string (with spaces) for "companies".

Step 3: Define a group in Address Book that you'll sync to Google Contacts. Start small and build up. I call mine "Google Sync. Configure Spanning sync to only sync that group:

Screen shot 2011-01-15 at 11.00.46 AM.png

Step 4: After sync used Contact Cleaner again. Try a few reps until you're no longer getting duplicate or messed up contacts.

Step 5: As you use Google, keep an eye out for duplicates. Use Google's merge tool opportunistically. It works well, better than OS X Address Book merge.

Step 6: Over time add more names to the Address Book Google Sync group. Until you've got every address you care about synchronizing.

- fn --

[1] Apple controls both data models and they're roughly congruent, at least if you're on 10.6.6. I don't sync via iTunes because I already own MobileMe and it lets me sync to my accounts on multiple machines. The rest of my family can't sync directly because we all share one iTunes account, they have to sync to MobileMe and separately to their OS X accounts on multiple machines.

Spanning Sync contacts cleaner - a quick review

I bought Spanning Sync's Contact Cleaner for $5 from the OS X App Store.

I've used their flagship product for years to sync my OS X Address Book to Google. It's relatively expensive ($25 or so a year) but it mostly works. Since synchronization between differing data models is an impossible problem, "mostly works" is excellent.

So I was willing to give this utility a try.

Briefly, for an early product, it works pretty well. It has a few bugs, but it's definitely worth $5. The app offers to make an Address Book backup on 1st use -- that's a good idea.

I'm a pretty good test case because

  • I sync my OS X Address Book to both Google (Spanning Sync) and MobileMe
  • I have over 800 cards in my personal book (more in my separate corporate directory)
  • I routinely define a "Family" as a "Business" to get around the first name, last name problem.
  • For individuals I often link them into "Families" by use of the "Business" field to hold a family name (or, in my case, the domain name for our family)

These are the bugs I found:

  1. If you choose open in Address Book, then change type from individual to business in Address Book, Contact Cleaner will crash
  2. Details view for "one name" errors omits email addresses
  3. Details formatting not always optimal
  4. Can't manage the individual to company conversion

I'm also a bit suspicious about how it manages group memberships when it merges or alters contacts. This may just be my paranoia coming out.

Some advice on using Contact Cleaner

  • Turn off all other sync while using this tool. I sync my OS X Address Book to both MobileMe (and thus to my iPhone) and to Google Contacts [1]. Just disable your network connection.
  • If you edit in the Address book, save your changes (click out of edit mode) then Rescan in Contacts Cleaner. Otherwise it won't pick up your edits.
  • I like to make changes in Address Book then rescan - gives me more control and I can see the full results
  • Be wary if you use non-default Address Book fields. This kind of cleanup is a very hard problem.

[1] I sync a selected subset of my entire Address Book to Google Contacts. I create new addresses in OS X and then let them sync to Google. Once they sync I can safely make smaller edits on either side (esp. email address updates). I can also do merges safely on the Google side. Group assignments are independent. I define a "Family" entry as a type of "Business", that seems to work.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

iTunes PDF books won't sync to your iBooks app?

You are frustrated.

You can drag and drop PDFs to the iTunes Library icon (iTunes open). They get organized into the Books section. They seem to sync to your iPhone (iPad). Except they don't. Nothing shows up.

You've tried everything. Maybe even inspected permissions.

Try this.


See that lovely little button that says "Books"?

Tap it.

Now you see your PDFs.

You are welcome.

PS. You can create a collection called "All" and, using Edit, tap on items, then tap Move you can put your Books and PDFs together.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Authenticate your Google Apps email - and help finish email spam

The web is overwhelmed by splogs and garbage sites full of noiseware (emphases mine) ...

Why We Desperately Need a New (and Better) Google

... Content creation is big business, and there are big players involved. For example, Associated Content, which produces 10,000 new articles per month, was purchased by Yahoo! for $100 million, in 2010. Demand Media has 8,000 writers who produce 180,000 new articles each month. It generated more than $200 million in revenue in 2009 and planning an initial public offering valued at about $1.5 billion. This content is what ends up as the landfill in the garbage websites that you find all over the web. And these are the first links that show up in your Google search results.

Google is falling, because it's trapped by its own business model.

It looks bad, just as bad as email spam was just three years ago. Today, though, email spam is dying.  The cure was clear by the late 90s, but it's taken ten years to really work. The answer was differential filtering based on the managed reputation of an authenticated sending service. Today we call that Domain Keys Identified Mail or DKIM. DKIM doesn't identify the sender, it identifies the sending service. The sending service then assumes responsibility for the sender (they know who the sender is). If the service doesn't police its users, it gets a bad reputation -- and starts being filtered aggressively.

Gmail accounts have used DKIM for a while, but Google Apps email has made do with SPF -- an inferior solution. Google has only now rolled DKIM out to Google Apps users. If you use Google APps you should enable this (it's not automatic yet). Without it the email you send will be increasingly "second class" and more likely to be filtered out.

It took about two minutes  activate DKIM for our free Google Apps family domain. We were able to use the automated method because that domain is managed through Google's Registrar partner - eNom. It sounds like it might be trickier to activate for domains managed by my favorite registrar/hosting service - DreamHost though I expect it will eventually be automatic everywhere.

We beat email spam. It wasn't that hard, though the fix did take a long time implement. It's clear we could do the same thing with garbageware sites. That fix, however, may require a company other than Google ...