Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Aperture Tip: getting from Project in viewing pane to Project entry in the Inspector

It works like this:

  1. When viewing Projects in the View/Browser pane, select a Project
  2. Look for the little i that appears or tap shift-I (project info).
  3. Click that. Windows pops up. Look for the Go To Project button. Click it.
  4. Now you are on the left side seeing the project.

I’ve been looking for this for about four years. It’s a kludge.

iPad LTE videoconferencing for a longterm care facility resident?

My 94yo father is a resident of a Canadian longterm care facility (veterans). He’s been surprisingly content there — though funding transitions are likely to make it less agreeable. He’s also retained more cognitive ability than I’d expected; not enough to live without assistance but enough to enjoy family conversations.

I live in Minnesota, and unfortunately none of my siblings live near him. We pay for a friend to visit him weekly, that has worked well. He also gets daily phone calls from my sister, but I have a hard time speaking with him by phone. He doesn’t understand my voice very well. Surprisingly, we do much better on Skype video calls. I think the audio quality is better, and by reading my face he is better able to converse.

The Skype calls require facility support that is likely to fade, so I’m now thinking of iPad LTE FaceTime calls. At the end of his life, in a weird twist of fate for a working class man, he has more money than he needs. He can pay for the device and the mobile fees.

I’m thinking of an iPad 2/3 (full size) with a wall or desk mount support and a lock, setup so he’s not backlit. When not in use for videoconferencing it can play a family photo slideshow (it’s dismally hard to find good products for slideshows). I don’t think he’d be able to initiate or receive a call — FaceTime’s UI is far too awkward, but I’d schedule times around a helper visit.

Anyone aware of similar projects? Leave comments here or email jgordon@kateva.org (or app.net @johngordon).

If I do the project I’ll publish on our experience.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Bug: iOS Message.app treats redirected me.com and icloud.com synonyms as different conversations

It took me ages to figure out what was going wrong.

My iMessage conversations with the kids were split into two threads, even though Contacts.app only knew of one person.

Turns out the problem was the old me.com and iCloud.com split.

Years ago Apple migrated its cloud services from an email of me.com to one of iCloud.com. They implemented a redirect, but I’ve come to suspect that the “real” address is still me.com. Or rather that on some Apple backends it’s me.com and some it’s iCloud.com. Turns out the same messiness applies to Message.app and iMessage.

iMessage/Message.app doesn’t know about this redirection. It doesn’t know iCloud.com and me.com are synonyms. So a thread that references daughter@icloud.com is separate from one that references daughter@me.com.

The workaround is to put both the me.com and iCloud.com addresses into the contact. It’s a pain of course, you don’t want to do this for every person you know. I’m doing it now for the kids.

I suspect this is a very hard bug to fix.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Facebook won't use iPhone settings account? A fix.

After a Facebook password change, especially if it forces logout from other devices, you may find that Facebook.app on iOS no longer reads authentication information gfrom the iOS Settings:Facebook configuration.

You can always enter your username and password in Facebook.app, but that’s not very elegant.

Here’s how to get Facebook.app to use the account you defined in Settings:Facebook.

  1. Ensure Facebook.app is installed but not running.
  2. In Settings:Facebook completely delete existing account. It doesn’t work to enter the new password there, Facebook still won’t “see” the authentication information.
  3. Recreate accounts in Settings:Facebook.
  4. Launch Facebook.app. it should show the name of the account in Settings:Facebook and you can use that.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

iCloud calendar invitations have been broken since 2011 and nobody has noticed

I’m not sure what’s more amazing — that this has been broken for five years, or that someone once thought this was a clever idea, or that almost no-one understands what’s wrong…

Warning: iCloud Calendar invitations have unpre... | Apple Support Communities

I suspect few people use iCloud Calendar invitations — or else we'd all know about this. It's not a new behavior, it was first documented in 2011. It's still true.

It's important to know about this.

When you send an event invitation to an email address iCloud will look up the person associated with that email address (possibly using Contacts). If that person has an iCloud email address then the invitation will go to their iCloud calendar. No email will be generated. If they don't actually use that iCloud calendar they will never see the invitation.

If the invited person does not have an iCloud address in contacts then an email will be generated.

So if you invite with a gmail address, and iCloud finds an iCloud address associated with the gmail address Contact (see update for correction), no email will be sent to Google Calendar. Instead an iCloud Calendar event will be created.

There is such a thing as being too clever.

Some details are here: http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/27449/icloud-calendar-not-sending-invit es/29970

I discovered this while doing research for a book on using smartphones to support independent living for special needs teens and adults. Using my sister’s iCloud calendar I invited myself using my gmail address. I didn’t get an email, and her iCloud account didn’t show a sent message. Google found the 2011 StackExchange comment so I checked my unused iCloud calendar. There was the event, waiting acceptance.

A wonderful example of how being clever can be stupid.

Update 1/22/2016

A family member tells me her iCloud invitations appear to recipients with a name that is only associated with the Apple ID she uses for iTunes purposes — because it’s on her credit card.

This suggests the AppleID lookup is based on the email address associated with one’s Apple ID, not on anything in Contacts.app. I visited the AppleID associated with the iCloud calendar that my test invitation appeared on, and it is associated with two non-Apple email addresses. One of them is the gmail address I used in the test invitation.

Note that many people have multiple Apple IDs. I have four. More, Apple now allows one to have an Apple ID with a non-iCloud email address. Note also that it’s been four years since Cook promised Apple would find a way to merge Apple IDs.

This is my new “Apple FUBAR” example.

Update 11/30/2016

Apple has introduced a new Advanced preference setting to iCloud Calendar (web only) that may have been created to fix this problem. They recommend receiving event invitations by email — “if your primary calendar is not iCloud”. Yes, it’s bizarre that this refers to how an iCloud calendar receives invitations, but I think it turns off Apple’s obscure redirect mechanism.

Screen Shot 2016 11 30 at 7 32 12 PM

Update 6/16/2023

I think this is still broken. On reviewing the original Stack Exchange post I saw a reference to a bug with invitations that had locations set. I don't know if that was ever fixed.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Quicken for Mac 2015 is not a bad application

I was once an enthusiastic user of Quicken for DOS — despite an annoying tendency to database corruption. Each month I’d receive a 3.5” diskette of credit card data and I’d update our accounts. Quicken for Windows had more bugs, but I stuck with it.

Then, somewhere around 2000, we went all Mac and there were no good personal finance products. Intuit was becoming seriously annoying around that time anyway, so we gave up and simply updated our investment balances yearly. We tried various Mac finance products, but none of them worked for Emily. Most importantly, they didn’t do a great job of automatically pulling data from our accounts, and many of them tried to push us to storing our financial data in the cloud.

Last year we made another go of it. Despite the worrisome lack of a user guide, we bought Quicken 2015.

Surprisingly, it’s worked well for Emily. Automated data download is odd to setup, but once configured it has done well. The application is relatively spartan, and not always intuitive, but it’s been reliable. With a few configuration tweaks we seem to be keeping all of our data local (these days that’s not easy to tell). The Reports are limited, but they have the main things Emily wants. She likes how the spending reports work.

Of course Quicken for Mac 2015 has only a fraction of the capabilities of Quicken for Windows, but I’m not making that comparison. It’s just useful by itself. It’s also astoundingly small for a 2015 application — only 60MB for the Application.

I don’t know where this product is going to go. Intuit is desperately trying to dump Quicken (“desktop technology” — they want to go Cloud based and many money by doing analytics on customer spending), they can’t have a very happy dev team. We’re going to hold off on 2016 until mid-2015, then we’ll look at the bug reports and evaluate 2016.

For the moment though, I’m pleased to find something that works. I assume finance companies want to lock customers in tight, it’s a real achievement to get data out of them. I doubt Quicken will find a good home, but I hope it somehow defies the odds.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Recovering selected OS X Mail.app messages from a carbon copy cloner backup

Somehow I’d enabled my iCloud Mail account in Yosemite Mail.app. This is irksome, because I don’t use it and, sooner or later, I’d somehow send outgoing emails using that sending service.

Which I did. Somehow. 

Which meant I had a set of Sent emails in the wrong place. Impulsively, in Mail.app, I tried dragging them from iCloud Sent folder to Gmail Sent folder. Something was happening … the dialog “Outgoin Messages”. Yikes! I don’t want them to be resent! So I canceled. (I was wrong, this is what Mail.app does when one is copying from a local store to an IMAP folder.)

All the emails vanished everywhere (I think this is a bug). There was nothing in iCloud Mail on web or OS X and nothing in Gmail — or anywhere else. So annoying — especially because I think I made the same mistake years ago.

I could live without those 49 errant emails, but it’s vexing to lose data. So I turned off internet connectivity and dug into last night’s Carbon Copy Cloner backup (Time Machine restores are so painfully slow I use them as a last resort, and I’m not sure how they behave for attempts to restore a specific set of emails.) The User/Library folder is hidden, but Go To Folder works if you know the path. On my system it’s User\Library\Mail. The actual folder varies by the age of one’s system, my messages are in a V2 folder, not a V3 folder. (I saw lots of weird stuff in there, like a [Mail Lost+Found] folder with old .mbox files. I need to dig through those. OS X Mail is just weird.)

The folder names were odd. The one called IMAP-…. visi.com has my current Gmail data, but I haven’t used visi.com for 10-15 years. Apparently OS X kept the original account name from my 10.3 days. Have I mentioned OS X Mail.app Preferences are kinda horked?

 Screen Shot 2016 01 17 at 10 52 58 AM

The missing iCloud message were in AosIMAP (wonder what Aos stands for?) in a Sent Messages.mbox folder. I copied that to the desktop and used Mail.app Import to bring them in. Despite the .mbox extension I had to use the Mail.app importer, not the .mbox importer.

All the messages were recovered. I found I could copy them safely into the Yosemite Mail.app “All Mail” folder that corresponds to Google’s All Mail, so they were back on Google for search purposes while also available on Mail.app (yes, Mail.app/Gmail integration is scary, mostly Google’s issue).

Sometime I’m going to dig around Mail Lost+Found to see if it really contains old lost messages. I like to keep my data; I’ve got Eudora and Netscape emails in OS X Mail.app from the early 90s.

Update: Most of the .mbox folders in “Mail Lost+Found” were very small. The few that were larger just duplicated messages I already had. So I cleaned out that folder.