Monday, January 03, 2005

Gmail Notifier: change behavior of mailto link

Gmail Notifier

I'm not sure I want this notifier function, but I do need to override the behavior of the mailto link and I find it faster to email via Gmail than to fire up Eudora (a long story, I'm looking for a Eudora replacement). So I'll try it out ...

Wikipedia has a good Gmail entry

Gmail - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I blogged on problems with Wikipedia in my "Notes" page. This is the opposite: something interesting. An entry on Gmail with quite a bit of interesting information.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

iPhoto to Flickr: open source application :: Flickr Export Plugin for iPhoto

Another tool for iPhoto to Flickr export. This one is open source.

The better iPhoto/Flickr becomes, the more likely I'll switch from Smugmug to Flickr. I don't care about the image sharing -- I only share images within a small group of grandmother, aunts, etc. The integration is great however.

Flickr is benefitting from geek community support. Smugmug has to either figure a way to do the same, or they have to invest in OS S support.

PS. MacWorld is Jan 10th. It's rumored that iLife will be updated, possibly with iPhoto 5. That's what I'm interested in. Of course if iWorks has a solid non-Word-like WP/Layout application with an open file format -- well ...

iCal Exchange and iCalShare: Sharing an iCal Calendar with out .Mac

iCal Exchange

Tip via Macintouch. is another service.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

What a professional photographer carries

Bangladesh – In the Bag

A Canon guy. Interesting description of the gear used. Also, he's switched to OS X.

A feeble review of desktop search tools

Desktop Search Tools

It's a pretty feeble review, but, surprisingly, there's not much I've seen yet. I guess noone does software reviews any more.

The list omitted my favorite Outlook search tool - Lookout. Lookout can be configured to index the file system as well as Outlook.

There's more subtlety to making full text search useful than most people think.