Note especially that Google Book Search is now integrated with local library services. Wow, what a slick way to mollify librarians ... (I'm now subscribing to Google's book search blog.)
Also, Flash slideshows -- which I'll certainly be playing with ...
Official Google Blogand on another Google front today
... Now when you search you'll get both digitized book results as well as records for millions of other books that still just exist in the analog world.
When you view these new added [jf: analog] book records, you can often read reviews, a summary, or see what other people had to say about the book around the web.... we offer links to buy the book or find it in a library near you.
To find out more, check out our post on Inside Google Book Search.
... You can use our free photo sharing service, Picasa Web Albums, to create nifty portable Flash slideshows that you can easily embed in any blog or web page.I tried the book search on my son's favorite book "So Others May Live", but our local libraries are not onboard yet. I'll have to see if I can encourage them to participate.