Saturday, June 06, 2015

Google Photos is a wrapper over Picasa Web Albums

Google Photos uses the Picasa Web Albums API, it doesn't have its own API:
No wonder my Picasa web albums showed up so well in Google Photos and why so many G+ features are missing -- Google chose to build on old Picasa rather than G+. It also explains why my old Mac Picasa uploader (works in Mavericks) is the best way to get images in albums to Google Photos.

The Google Drive integration, by the way, is a dangerous hack. Avoid it for now.

The Picasa uploader doesn't support Google Photo's image compression format (WebP?), so I wonder if those images will count against storage totals.

I hope we get an API, particularly with support for creating or selecting albums at upload time, any minute now...

Friday, June 05, 2015

Domain configuration - notes on www and naked domains

I’m writing this primarily for myself. I’ll try to update it as I learn more.
I’ve used DreamHost for years, I have several domains there. Recently I created one for our mountain bike team - I set it up as “Fully Hosted” and created a few subdomains so I could create a subdomain like that would redirect to our Facebook site. (This is probably not the best way to do this, maybe better to use Apache URL rewrites with .htaccess)
I was even able to get a subdomain to work properly with wikispaces.
That’s when I ran aground. I wanted the naked domain, or to point to that same wiki page. As best I can tell, with DreamHost, you can’t do that through DNS or domain configuration. For one thing, and are treated by DreamHost as synonyms. You can’t really have them behave differently.
For another DreamHost, for a fully hosted domain, sets up a fixed type A DNS record to reference DreamHost’s IP address.
Can this be done for a DNS only configuration, with hosting disabled?
I think there’s a way to do it with Google Apps, in particular I’m pretty sure there’s a way to have a naked domain or www.domain reference a Google Site. I’m just not quite sure how to do it. Clues might be in these references ...
Phew. This is a tiring domain to explore. Not only is it fundamentally complex, the documentation is marginal (Google has the best, but it’s Google Apps specific) and experimentation is hard. It’s easy to mess up a domain, and changes can take time to propagate. There are lots of quirks; I discovered Chrome will cache DNS redirects, so if you make a change and Chrome doesn’t seem to know about it try incognito mode. Good luck!

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Domain registrar transfer pains - something broken between eNom and Dreamhost (or me)

I've transferred several eNom domain with associated Google Apps services to Dreamhost. This is the first time I've been really stuck.

I'm trying to move from eNom to Dreamhost. Dreamhost already provides DNS services, so it's "simply" a registrar transfer. I've done several of those.

This time the process is failing after I get an "authorization key" (EPP) from eNom/Google and I complete the Dreamhost authorization key submission. Instead of receiving a Google email (takes 1-2 hours):
DOMAIN NAME TRANSFER - Confirmation of Registrar Transfer Request ...
I get radio silence. Tech support tells me Dreamhost's system shows a transfer status of denied ... Canceled - Invalid EPP/authorization key - Please contact current registrar to obtain correct key
We've been through this twice now with two keys. So I think something is broken (yes, user error cannot be ruled out, this is a complex process).

Unfortunately level one tech support doesn't know the details how this status shows up in their system. (They also can't explain why Dreamhost doesn't expose this status in the user accessible control panel or generate an email. I think there's a hole in their workflow process, but this could also be a bug in their system.)

At this point I'm hoping I can escalate to tier 2 support. Then I can interview somebody who should know how the status code is generated, and whether the bug is with Dreamhost (already known to have a process problem) or eNom (gonna be hard to talk to) or me (always possible).

Frustrating, but other than lost time worst likely outcome is I renew with eNom for another year. Then try again in 6 months and hope whatever is broken gets fixed.

Update 6/5/2015: Dreamhost tells me they're getting a formal transaction from eNom: "Invalid EPP/authorization key - Please contact current registrar to obtain correct key". So now I have to contact eNom at 425-274-4500. May the Force be with me.

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Facebook still has RSS feed for Pages. For the moment.

Once upon a time Facebook had RSS support for personal Newsfeeds. That died years ago.

I don't know if Facebook ever had RSS support for Groups; Groups used to be pretty limited. They don't now.

Pages though, they've always had RSS feeds. It's just getting a lot harder to find.

I may be dreaming, but I thought there used to be an official RSS link somewhere. If so it quietly passed on, maybe in the last 6-12 months.

The old Feed URL format still works though:
where the number is the Page ID.

The trick is finding the Page ID. Facebook keeps moving it around. As of June 2015 find it here:
  1. Click About link beneath Page photo (Timeline, About, Photos, etc)
  2. Find Facebook Page ID at bottom of the About Link.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Google Photos, Aperture and Google Drive - be careful

I'm a fan of Google Photos.

Sure, the next time Google's coin flips Evil side up my kids will appear in ads for laundry detergent. I get it; I'll delete my Google Photos then. I'm resigned to 2 year lifespans for Cloud services -- which is why I keep local control of things I care about.

It's not like there are good alternatives. Facebook? Many of my relatives don't use it. Smugmug? Expensive, can't do shared albums. Flickr? They've blown it so many times. Dropbox? I fear the end is in sight.

Apple? Seriously? Apple? Oh, I get it. You were pulling my leg.

So, Google. Among other things it means I can keep using Aperture for another year, hoping for better than (ugh) 2015.

Uploading from Aperture is awkward though. There's no Export Plug-In, my old Picasa plug-in died when Google terminated its ClientLogin API last week. If I use the Google Photos desktop web UI I have to export to JPG from Aperture with a unique common string in the file names, upload all files, then do a search/create to put them in a Collection (album).

I'd rather use Google Drive. In theory I can create a folder in a special Google Drive "Google Photos" folder and export from Aperture to that folder, managing "albums" as file system folders. I can probably even use some Symbolic Link so the "Google Photos" doesn't use precious SSD space. Google Drive will do all the sync for me. Very nice -- in theory.

In practice, even though my non-Plus Google Photos service showed my Google Drive/Google Photos the albums don't appear. When I tried toggling the 'special folder' off in Drive settings the folder vanished from Google Drive (a problem if you're not ready for your photos to disappear). When I look at a different Google Photos folder through the web UI of Google Drive I see:

Riigght. The Google Drive/Google Photos integration isn't yet working properly for non-Plus personal (not Google Apps) users. 

So be careful. I'll update this blog post if/when it works.

Update 6/1/2015: Don't use Google Photos integration with Google Drive.

A day or two after my initial post there are two Google Photos links browsable in the web client view of and one Google Photos folder in my desktop Google Drive collection.

The Drive_Google Photos link above now shows a view similar to iOS, or but without collections

Within "My Drive", and also on my desktop Google Drive, is a folder called Google Photos that holds all of my Picasa photos organized by dates, not by collections/albums.

You can add folders and images to the "My Drive" Google Photos folder. They will sync like any other Drive data, but they won't show up in or

I've read you can move images around in Google Drive, but this does not affect images on Picasa/Google Photos.

If you delete images from Google Drive:Google Photos, however, they will be deleted from (I probably deleted a bunch doing these experiments.)

So the only thing Google Photos integration with Google Drive is good for at the moment is getting a local copy of the images (but not the album organization) of your Google Photos/Picasa images. It's also a great way to unwittingly blow away all your Google Photos.

This has NOT been though out. I'm disabling Google Drive/Google Photos integration and I urge you to do the same.

SymbolicLinker service - if it doesn't work, look for an older install

SymbolicLinker is an ancient but handy OS X service that, sadly, is not in the app store. It’s handy for doing things like putting a Google Drive to Google Photos sync folder on a big external drive while Google Drive primary folder is on your SSD.

You can run it in Mavericks (probably Yosemite), but you have to “whitelist” it by using the Open command in the Finder Context menu.

I did that recently, but Safari still complained. The clue was Safari said the download as from 2010 … but I’d just downloaded a “fresh” (2011!) version.

Turns out I had one copy in Services folder at User level and an old copy at root Library (all user). I just had to delete the old copy.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Google Photos. Home Run.

It's been a long time since I've said anything nice about Google. Maybe five years.

Today I must break from habit. Google Photos is amazing. I installed it on my iPhone this evening with Google credentials never blighted by Plus. It shows my Google Drive images (in Photos folder), all of my thousands of old Picasa Web images, and photos that are on my iPhone (via sync). The speed of display is amazing.

I browsed the collection from Google's web client (using Chrome) and created an album from images synced from my iPhone. I then started up web Blogger (MarsEdit is offline pending a Client login patch) and the album I just created appears in "From Picasa Web Albums".

From my iPhone I shared a different album to Facebook.

Well played Google, well played.

Now I have a photo sharing solution I like; one I much prefer to Apple's iCloud/ solution.