Showing posts with label security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label security. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Not receiving SMS two factor authentication codes for Facebook, Instagram, others: remove blocked numbers

A friend was not receiving Facebook SMS two factor authentication codes on his iPhone. I removed all his blocked numbers and he received the code. We assume he accidentally blocked the number Facebook uses to send SMS codes.

You can see blocked numbers in Settings:Phone:Blocked Contacts (it's actually a list of blocked numbers, not a list of blocked Contacts). If iCloud sync is working you see the same list in Messages on macOS.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Google Apps (Workspace) email failing? How to check DKIM and update in your DNS settings if needed.

When I travel every bit of IT in our family starts to malfunction. On a recent trip this included Emily's emails, they were intermittently rejected by Gmail recipients. Once I was home I had to dig up old knowledge; I found the answers in prior blog posts (see references below). It looks like something wiped out our Dreamhost DNS DKIM records a few weeks ago [1]. 

It's hard these days to do email with anything that's not full hosted on the big three.

The refs have more detail but here's the outline of the process:
  1. In Google Workspace - Apps - Gmail - Authenticate email get the DKIM text value. You will probably have to generate a new record.
  2. In Dreamhost control panel manage websites click on DNS settings for domain and enter google._domainkey as host and the TXT record value. (DH UI makes this look like it appends a suffix to this but it really doesn't.)
  3. Once DH says the record has propagated return to the Admin console and click "start authentication"
It can take 48 hours for this to fully propagate but a few minutes after adding the key it did work when I validated as below.

To see if DKIM is working follow the process Google outlines (Usual automated testing services don't work with the way Google Apps do DKIM -- the selector won't work):
Send an email message to someone who is using Gmail or Google Workspace. (You can't verify DKIM is on by sending yourself a test message.) 
In the message header, look for Authentication-Results. Receiving services use different formats for incoming message headers, however the DKIM results should say something like DKIM=pass or DKIM=OK.

If the message header doesn't include a line about DKIM, messages sent from your domain aren't signed with DKIM.

When I looked at view original sent form Emily's account to my personal gmail account I didn't see DKIM=pass or DKIM=OK but I did see two entries starting with:

DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;

X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; 

More importantly when I scrolled up a bit (this is in Gmail View Original) I saw a header that's interpreting the email headers (I think this might be a newer feature):

Message ID ....

Created at: Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 2:59 PM (Delivered after 12 seconds)

From: Emily ....

To: John ...

Subject: test DKIM content

SPF: NEUTRAL with IP ...

DKIM: 'PASS' with domain ...

You can also paste the "original message" headers into That gave similar results.

When I tested on a second family domain that did NOT have DNS TXT entry for DKIM it showed as DKIM 'PASS" in the email header interpretation with an odd domain string -- BUT in Google Apps it showed as NOT authenticating. I cannot explain this. 

Once I updated the DNS TXT DKIM entry for that domain and allowed a few minutes for propagation it did show in the Google Apps admin console as authenticating with DKIM and the headers showed the correct domain name.

DH's note on SPF records says they cannot be updated if we are using Google Workspace. This is new since 2018 and I think that's correct.

- fn -

[1] Eons ago every Dreamhosted domain had a free option to add Google Apps (now Google Workspace). That went away and earlier this year Google said they would discontinue the legacy free Google Apps. That was a thrash but on the edge of doom Google relented. I figured a DH script wiped the records but their first tier support said they hadn't done anything and instead referred to Google automated scripts that might change their DNS records (!).

- refs -

Sunday, March 13, 2022

When iCloud Keychain stops working (No more Safari passwords) - Mojave

I'm buying tickets for an event and suddenly there's no password autocomplete in Mojave Safari. Safari Preferences Passwords shows 3-4 entries, but my Apple passwords shows on my iOS devices and my Monterey Air. It's just Mojave that has lost all its iCloud/keychain access.

A good reminder that if you want to use Apple Passwords as a 1Password replacement you need to export a static backup (and this must be automated). The Cloud is where data goes to die.

A found a relevant 2016 Apple Discussion post which would be Mojave era. So I wonder if it's a Mojave bug. The fix there was from "Linc Davis" a "Level 10" with 209K points [1]

Please take these steps to resynchronize the iCloud keychain. Your keychain on iCloud and your other Apple devices won't be affected. Take Step 2 only if Step 1 doesn't solve the problem.
Step 1
Back up all data.
Open the iCloud pane in System Preferences and uncheck the Keychain box. You'll be prompted to delete the local iCloud keychain. Confirm—the data will remain on the servers. Then re-check the box. Follow one of the procedures described in this support article to set up iCloud Keychain on an additional device. Test.
Step 2
If you still have problems, uncheck the Keychain box again and continue.
Triple-click the line below on this page to select it, then copy the text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C: 
In the Finder, select
          Go ▹ Go to Folder...
from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You may not see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.
A folder named "Keychains" should open. Inside it is a subfolder with a long name similar to (but not the same as) this:
The above is only an example; yours will have a different name of the same general form. Drag the subfolder (not the Keychains folder) to the Trash.
Restart the computer, empty the Trash, and re-enable iCloud Keychain.

Toggling Keychain off and on didn't seem to do anything so I figured I'd check in the morning. Before I checked though I did review my passwords in Monterey. For *reasons* (this happens way too often) I had to reenter my iCloud credentials there but I was also asked the usual iCloud keychain questions -- provide passcodes for my other machines.

Then I looked at my Mojave machine and Safari had my passwords again.

Maybe the fix was toggling Keychain and waiting a bit, but I'm suspicious that something happened somewhere in iCloud that required me to do the iCloud Keychain authentication dance from a Mac -- and Mojave couldn't do it.

Again, if you use Apple Passwords as your sole repository you need a non-iCloud backup.

- fn -

[1] No profile info, has participated in 97K threads. Either insane or an Apple staff pseudonym.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

1Password WiFi broke with my new iPhone - how I fixed it (for now)

I pay about $4 or so every month to 1Password because I have not yet been able to replace it. Reason enough to dislike them, but there's worse. 

We use 1Password's legacy WiFi sync with 1Password 7. It dates from the days that 1PW was merely mediocre. It was flaky and annoying but it mostly worked. We didn't have to put our lives into the hands of company that could be hacked or acquired at any time (China, Russian ... who wouldn't want those yummy credentials?). Even now that we pay monthly (not yearly, because I plan to leave) we still use WiFi sync.

Every so often we get this:

WiFi sync is deprecated and unsupported now, but there is still a troubleshooting page. Check WiFi, restart everything, restart router, toggle WiFi sync on/off, etc. That usually works, but this time was different. Nothing worked.

I'd just replaced my iPhone 8 with an iPhone 13 Pro, so I had a hunch what was wrong. [1] There was something broken in the authentication process between my phone and the MacBook running the desktop version of 1Password. I needed a button that said "reset authentication" -- but that doesn't exist. I could delete 1Password and reinstall, but it had been a few weeks since my last sync. Who knows what I'd changed. I didn't want to lose everything.

This is what I did:
  1. I saved copies of things I knew I'd changed to a local text file
  2. I discovered iOS 1Password has a backup/restore feature and I could transfer that to a Mac by iTunes. You can actually unzip the backup and browse it in SQLite, including the database schema (I think passwords are encrypted though).
  3. After I saved my backup to my Mac I deleted and reinstalled 1Password. As I'd guessed this allowed me to sync again. (Bad Bug 1Password Inc. But you don't care.)
  4. I then went back to my Mac, copied the backup using iTunes back to my iPhone, then did a restore on the iPhone
  5. I then did sync again.
It's not quite as simple as that. I had to quit and restart 1Password a few times. At one point 1PW for iOS was only showing me sync options for Dropbox! Somehow, after some restarts and tweaks it seemed to sync. Did it all sync properly? I have no idea. For now it's no worse than it ever was.

Once Apple Passwords get the notes feature (holds secret questions) we'll migrate to a hacked together approach of Apple Passwords and a shared Secure Note and I'll finally be done with 1Password.

Update: looks like the process lost my authenticator codes.

[1] I dread iPhone swaps. I try to do them no more than every 5 years. All kinds of pain happens.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

How do Facebook Messenger (and Instagram Message) Link scams work?

Every day large numbers of Facebook users receive a message that appears to be from a friend that invites them to click a link. If they click that link their Facebook friends (social graph connections) receive a similar message -- from them.

Many of the victims post on Facebook that their account has been hacked and that recipients should disregard the message. Most change their account passwords, some close their account.

So how does this work?

It's the old "enter password' trick -- a phishing attack. If you click on the link a Facebook screen asks to verify your account identity. This, of course, is a fake page. The credentials you enter there are used to send messages from your Facebook account.

The attackers don't try to change your password, they just send messages to recruit new credentials. There are lots of scams that can be run using Facebook or Instagram messages so this is a profitable business.

Just change your password and try not to be tricked again.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Unable to update date of birth associated with an Apple ID: "... could not be changed because of a server error"

You can't change the date of birth or family relationship of an Apple ID with a calculated age of less than 13 years old. Otherwise it's supposed to be possible to change the date of birth associated with an Apple ID. I've done it before (for good reasons).

Recently I decided to get #2 child an Apple credit card. Since banks take birth dates seriously I decided I needed to correct his before applying. It didn't work!

This is what his birthday looks like on his Apple ID web page (same as in his iOS devices):

When I edit it to 4/2/1999 I get this message as expected:

The next step is an email sent to the (we're old customers, pre-icloud) associated with my Apple ID:
Can you see what's weird in this email? It says the change will convert his account to a child account. But the current date makes him 17, the correction makes him 22. The email should say it's being converted to an adult account.

When I click on "approve request" I get:

Cannot change date of birth.
The date of birth for ___ could not be changed because of a server error. Try again.

I started an Apple Chat Support ticket on this a week ago. After the usual back and forth I was escalated twice and ended up with a senior advisor (not sure of his title).  After a bit of work and repetition I was told a ticket had been sent to engineering to fix the birth date and I'd hear back the next day.

It's been a week. I've not heard back. I'll try a chat again tomorrow. Fortunately I have my original ticket number.

I suspect his account entry is somehow corrupted and possibly mixed with another account. Otherwise I wonder if this is a side-effect of Apple introducing family credit cards; maybe once I got an Apple credit card all the family birth dates were locked as a side-effect.

This is going to be a painful slog with no certainty of success.

UPDATE 7/13/2021: After hearing nothing back I called again and was again escalated from chat support to phone support to "senior advisor". Senior advisor said engineering had responded and said it was not actually possible to change date of birth on a child account. I believe that is wrong, it contradicts Apple's documentation saying it should be possible to change for over 13. I have asked that it be reescalated and attach the tech support ref: HT204164.

I reserved a time to call back in 3 days and was told I'd get a link to enable a direct call to a senior advisor.

Update 7/24/2021: Support didn't call back on the date they'd promised. There's still a server error. As noted above Support seemed unaware of the contents of HT204164. 

I'm going to have to give up on fixing this for now. I'll try again in a few months, maybe by then Apple will know how to fix the problem. I suspect it's something in their database design that will require serious work to fix. I also suspect their support team is dealing with post-COVID stress syndrome.

Update 1/1/2023: Today I was able to change his birth date without issues. Based on the original birth date he would be 19yo now, so an adult.

Monday, July 05, 2021

Apple ID problem: sharing iTunes Apple ID in two factor world means authentication requests go to one of many possible devices

In the old days, before family sharing, families shared purchases by sharing an iTunes Apple ID while using their own Apple ID for services.

Now that we've moved to 2FA for iTunes Apple ID there's a new problem with this.

Authentication requests go to one of the devices that uses that shared iTunes Apple ID. Just one. Usually the wrong one.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

iCloud backup and my lost authenticator codes

When my local Apple store tech was unable to remove the battery from my iPhone 8 they gave me a new device -- which was SIM locked to AT&T.

Well, everyone has to start somewhere, including Apple techs. Hope they improve soon.

Anyway, between the initial restore and the factory reset to clear the SIM lock I've been through two iCloud restores in the past week.

iCloud restores kind of suck now. I think they worked better a few years ago. The good news is that my photos were restored (I don't use Apple Photos/iCloud so I needed that backup). The bad news is that so many apps needed credentials reentered or new certificates generated -- especially when doing a restore after a hardware change.

The worst news is that Google Authenticator lost my authenticator codes. As near as I can tell they are restored from iCloud if the hardware is unchanged, but not if the hardware changes. Or maybe it's a bug. Whatever the reason, I lost 'em. 

It was suspiciously easy to regenerate Authenticator codes for my Microsoft account. Not too hard for Google either, because  they've moved to preferring an Apple-like proprietary two factor authentication mechanism. It is a bummer for Dreamhost though -- so now I'm going through support to try to recover access to my domains and web content.

It's hard to reconcile security and backup/restore. For example, Google Wallet and your biometrics (finger/face) aren't backed up either. On the other hand your Keychain credentials are in iCloud, and anyone who can get into your iPhone can read all of your passwords (try: "Hey Siri, Show me my passwords" or see Apple's hidden password manager). So your 4 digit Apple device passcode is not a great idea.

PS. I'm storing Authenticator codes in 1Password now. Which, like most small company software, has its own security concerns, not least that it would be relatively easy for China, say, to acquire the company or insert a backdoor into the source code.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Chrome malware: Managed by your organization

I think my son installed a "managed by your organization" chrome malware extension when he was trying to find Flash. This one showed in Chrome as ""

The obsolete Federal government website required for his US census enumerator job probably directed him to get Flash. I wouldn't be shocked if he got the malware directly from the Federal site. US government web sites are notoriously insecure. [1]

This class of malware now works by installing an unsigned profile on the user's Mac that activates Chrome's "managed by your organization" mode. It locks the home page and search page so traffic is routed through the malware's server and it prevents a Chrome reset. (It may do other things as well of course.)  For some reason it locked him into Bing, which was a dead giveaway. Smarter malware wouldn't have changed the default search engine.

Once upon a time a quick Google search would have explained how to remove the malware. This is 2020 though, so Google's search results on this topic are mostly garbage. I found one result on a garbage site, however, that must have been partly based on a real site. That clued me to the profile. Once I deleted it then I could do a full Chrome reset. Once I knew the fix I found this guide, which covered the territory. (I can't tell who manages the site, I hope they make money by malware app referrals rather than anything more ominous.)

Before I did this I followed advice from a trusted source and installed the free (but suspiciously marketed) Malwarebyte antiviral. It found nothing. I'll try running one or two more antivirals (AVG, Sophos). Malwarebyte is an easy uninstall, so points for them.

[1] I am the solo family geek, my digital-age children seem to prefer the 18th century. My theory is the latest generation has the same take on computers that, at the same age, I had on automobile engines. It should just work, and if it doesn't work an old person might understand it.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Carbon Copy Cloner was quietly excluding 1Password stores from backup (Corrected: app, not data stores)

This morning's heart attack:

"CCC no longer excludes 1Password by default."

What the fork were they thinking?!

Update: OK, looks like they did this briefly in 5.1.18 and, even though their language is sadly unclear, it was the the 1Password app rather than the 1Password credentials that were not being backed up. That link lists all the files not backed up, though as of today it's not been corrected for 5.1.19.

So I still have chest pain, but not a heart attack.

Sunday, February 02, 2020

My advice for managing online credentials

I wrote this up for a book project on special needs iPhone users (Explorers), but it's also my recommendation for non-geek iPhone users. Credential management is definitely an unsolved problem ...

Every Explorer online identity involves, at the least, a “username” for the Explorer, a password and  either an iOS app name or a web address (URL). Most online identities also require an email address for communication, password resets and (alas) marketing. They may now require a mobile number and the answers to “secret questions”. All of this information makes up an online “credential”; but we often use the word “password” as a shorthand for the whole bundle

It’s hard to manage online credentials. I’m pretty technical, but I still find it a tough problem. Lots of people get locked out of their online services and need to do password resets or even start over with a new account. One day I think Apple will provide a full solution[1], but to date they’ve been reluctant to take this on. 

The good news is that most Explorers can get by with maybe 10-30 credentials and they don’t need to know most of them (more on this below). The key is to use as few online services as possible. Remember, every online service is another credential to manage!

I’m going to suggest three-and-a-half ways a Guide can manage an Explorer’s credentials. Each has advantages and disadvantages. For all of them I have two strongly held recommendations about passwords:

  1. Don’t reuse passwords for these important sites. If a password is captured (happens!) it becomes part of hacker libraries and will be applied to other Explorer accounts.
  2. Don’t follow the usual advice to create long random passwords. You’ll go insane trying to tap them out on an iPhone when you can’t see the password characters. Instead combine random pronouncable words, letters and symbols that you can tap. The password should be at least 14 characters. Flip through a dictionary to pick words randomly. This is good enough. You aren’t protecting nuclear launch codes.

Option One: Pencil and Paper

You may remember being told not to write down credentials on paper. That’s like the old advice to treat back pain with bed rest. We were wrong when we said that. Writing credentials on paper and saving them with your home paperwork is super secure. That’s what hard core security geeks do.

This does require good handwriting, but it works for a small number of credentials assuming you follow my password advice. If you need the credentials when you travel you can take a photo and keep it with your personal iPhone photos (be careful not to share it though!).

You do need a backup! You could copy by hand and mail the copy to a trusted friend. In theory public photocopiers are not secure, so I’d say just take a photo and keep it in your iCloud photos (not shared).

Option Two: Use an iCloud Secure Note on a Guide’s iPhone

I recommend this for the passwords my Explorers manage for themselves. An iCloud Secure Note  is protected by both your iPhone’s unlock passcode and by a special Secure Note password. The iOS User Guide explains how to create a Secure Note.

An iCloud Secure Note is automatically backed up and you can review old versions of the note. It can also be shared with an Explorer who is able to manage their own credentials.

This method is less secure than paper and pencil but is also less work — and you can copy/paste passwords from the Note rather than type them on iPhone, Mac, or a web browser[2].

The main risk of this method is accidentally deleting your credentials! Be sure to print out the Note periodically and store the paper copy at home. You can also restore a prior version but this is less reliable. Just print.

Option Three: Use 1Password or another reputable password manager

This is what most computer experts recommend, but true security experts are more cautious. When you use a password manager you are placing a great amount of trust in the vendor. There are so many ways a password manager vendor could steal credentials. Even if a vendor is honest and technically skilled, their products can be acquired by someone less scrupulous.

Of all password managers 1Password is most often recommended for the iPhone. It’s what I use, though I don’t use their Cloud service[3]. The Cloud service is obligatory for most people though, and it costs about $40 a year.

If you’re just managing a few Explorer credentials Paper and Pencil is simpler than a password manager and definitely more secure. If you use a password manager for your own credentials then it may be a good place to store an Explorer’s credentials.

Option Three and a half: Use Apple’s semi-secret password manager

Apple would take over credential management for their customers. It hasn’t happened yet, but they have partial solutions. You can part of Apple’s solution it you have enabled Keychain in Settings:Apple ID:iCloud and you’ve accepted Safari’s offer to save web site passwords. Just say “Hey, Siri, show me my passwords”. You can also go to Settings:Passwords & Accounts: and tap on “Website & App Passwords”.

Another part of Apple’s solution is “Sign in with Apple”. Apple wants iOS apps to support this and there’s a way for web sites to use it as well. This method never shows a password, it works with Face ID or Touch ID[4].

Both of these solutions are a work in progress. We will know Apple is serious if they create a separate App for managing credentials instead of hiding things away in Settings. Not all iOS apps store credentials in the keychain and “Sign in with Apple” is just beginning.

They are convenient for web sites and apps that aren’t important enough to be properly tracked. Just let the iPhone suggest a password and then forget about it. The iPhone will manage the password and if something goes wrong nothing much is lost.

These three-and-a-half options cover Guide management of Explorer credentials. In my next section I’ll go over which an Explorer will need to manage themselves and how to transition from Guide management to independent management.

[1] Apple has a partial solution for web sites but nothing for passwords entered in apps and elsewhere. Their longterm solution is called “Sign In with Apple” but it’s unclear if it will succeed or how serious Apple is about this.

[2] Browsers are not very secure though, so viewing readable passwords in a web browser is not ideal.

[3] 1Password still supports an old local storage method. It requires a very technical user to setup, it’s not well supported any more, and it’s not super reliable.

[4] Since Apple doesn’t support a guest/parent/Guide Face ID this could block Guide support for an app or site. More on this in the final chapter on political action!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

1Password Logins Notes field blank? Maybe it's the CR.

When I moved to Mojave I had to give up on my ancient FileMaker Pro database. The modern versions of FileMaker are far too expensive; consumer databases have passed into history.

For lack of a better alternative I moved over to 1Password. I liked them when they worked with a local password store, I’m not keen on their current cloud solution. I just don’t trust their tech.

I exported as CSV as I’d done many times before. This time, though, I ran into a problem that was probably always there. The first time I went to look up my ‘secret question answers’ they were nowhere to be seen. The Login Notes field where I’d imported them was empty on both iOS and mac OS.

Later I realized the data was there — but only in edit mode. If the default read-only view the notes field showed as empty.

It took a bit of playing around to realize what’s wrong.

Text fields in my version of FileMaker, probably from 2014 or earlier, uses the old classic Mac OS line separator - the single “CR” code. It doesn’t use the OS X/macOS/Unix standard LF or the old DOS CR/LF

When I exported as CSV the output used CR as a separator. When the CSV was imported into 1Password the CR separators went along. They work fine in edit mode but not in view mode.

The proof of the problem was to edit in 1Password, deleting the line feeds and adding new ones. After saving the note displayed correctly.

Update: Per 1Password tech support — turning off markdown formatting causes the notes to appear!

Saturday, February 09, 2019

Synology NAS and security risks of enabling notifications

I use a Synology NAS to backup our two MacBooks. I’ve been ignoring it for 4 years, but a recent hardware failure made me look into it.

I found a number of packages installed and/or running that I’d not updated and mostly didn’t need. So I removed all those and I created a reminder to check the NAS quarterly. I also realized I hadn’t gotten monthly status reports for a long time — for years really (if ever)

To enable Synology email status reports you have to configure Notifications. Old-school SMTP is rarely available now, so I experimented with the Gmail option. I got this:


Oookaaay … that’s an interesting range of permissions. Synology is a Chinese corporation, so this effectively gives Xi the ability to harvest my email. Instead I created a synology user on one of my domain based Google Suites and enabled access there then forwarded to my email.

Interestingly my old settings suggested I had gone down the Gmail road at one point. I wonder what I was thinking, in my 2015 post I commented “Synology is a very Chinese product — including off-key English syntax. I wouldn’t install it in a US government facility.” Maybe I started the setup and then stopped?

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Did you follow Apple's two-factor authentication advice to provide a friend's phone number for SMS authentication?

I bet you didn’t do this [emphases mine]:

…You should also consider verifying an additional phone number you can access, such as a home phone, or a number used by a family member or close friend. You can use this number if you temporarily can’t access your primary number or your own devices….

… To use two-factor authentication, you need at least one trusted phone number on file where you can receive verification codes. Consider verifying an additional trusted phone number other than your own phone number. If your iPhone is your only trusted device and it is missing or damaged, you will be unable to receive verification codes required to access your account…

… If you're signing in and don’t have a trusted device handy that can display verification codes, you can have a code sent to your trusted phone number via text message or an automated phone call instead. Click Didn’t Get a Code on the sign in screen and choose to send a code to your trusted phone number…

Apple 2FA implementation has a high risk of account access loss (Google has better 2FA recovery options). Apple’s recommended mitigation is to use multiple SMS verification numbers, not just the one mandatory number. Since SMS is an essential part of Apple’s 2FA, and SMS is a poor way to do 2FA, Apple’s 2FA is fundamentally insecure (mac bloggers seem universally unaware of this incidentally).

Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. On balance, if you use 2FA, you should have at least two SMS numbers numbers associated with your (insecure) Apple ID.

PS. To Apple’s credit, you need both a password and SMS to access your iCloud account, and you can’t reset the password just using SMS. In the absence of a trusted device the password reset process is mysterious and takes a few days.

PPS. You can use a Google Voice number as a trusted number. That way you can use a web browser to retrieve the authentication code.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

IOT: Switching a Chamberlain MyQ WiFi garage door opener WiFi network

When our garage door opener died our service guy installed a LiftMaster Contractor Series Garage Door Opener. I think it’s an 8155W, 8164W or 8165W.

You can enable smartphone app access to monitor and control the garage door — assuming your home WiFi extends that far. Yeah, it’s Internet of Things (IOT) device.

There are obvious problems with doing enabling wifi access:

  • Chamberlain security is probably fairly typical. As in … lousy. Assume whatever credentials you use to setup this account are now public. Also assume that the garage door is accessible by anyone who wants in badly enough.
  • Even if there are no known exploits in the device OS (hah-hah) it will never get updated. So there will be exploits eventually.
  • It’s made in China. Presumably it comes with a backdoor.
  • The standard setup is to connect it to your home network. Which means you are, basically, toast.

On the other hand an additional remote is $50 and you can set alarms if the garage door is open after, say, 10pm.

Our garage is not connected to our home, but our Apple AirPort Extreme does reach it. So, despite the risks, I did an initial experimental connection and installed the

It worked ok, so I enabled the Guest network on my AirPort and decided to switch it over. I couldn’t find documentation on how to switch to this network though.

The web page of an error message did give one way to force it to connect:

MyQ Wi-Fi Garage Door Opener: press and release the round yellow Learn button three times on the opener's motor unit. The motor unit's blue LED will be blinking on and off and the opener will beep once.

It turns out there is documentation in the product manual (available online), it just doesn’t contain the keyword “reset”. Instead it uses “erase”. To erase/reset the WiFi network you need to use the controls on the opener, not the remote. There’s an “up arrow” called an “adjustment button”. Press and hold it until 3 beeps are heard. Then start over with the WiFi. (I ran into some issue and Chrome seemed to work around it, so if Safari doesn’t work for you …)

The garage opener is on my Guest network now, so theoretically isolated from my home network.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Enabling SPF on Dreamhost accounts

Dreamhost writes about SPF:

SPF overview – DreamHost

… Mail servers that receive an email for delivery can check SPF by comparing the sending server’s IP address against the email's envelope sender's SPF DNS record. If the email was sent from a server that is not included in that SPF record, the email is more likely to be spoofed or untrustworthy. The receiving mail server may handle the email differently because of the SPF failure, such as marking the email as spam or rejecting the email…


What SPF records do I use? – DreamHost

If you’re hosting your email at DreamHost, no changes need to be made to your SPF records. DreamHost’s SPF records are generated automatically and should work without any issues or additional changes.

IP's in DreamHost’s SPF records include mail servers and the relay machine IP addresses.

Except this isn’t true. When I was investigating my family’s Google email Hell I found that emails sent from DH Webmail didn’t have SFP records in the header. I tested using, Kitterman, and by inspecting emails in Gmail using the ‘view original’ option. I also directly inspected my DNS settings. No SFP.

When I asked DH tech support admitted their documentation was wrong and responded (emphases mine):

If it were, you'd see the SPF setup on the 'Manage Domains' > 'DNS' pageby default for every domain hosting mail with us along with the DKIM
 that's already there, but SPF is NOT set by default (at this time).

… we should start setting it by default, so that info above may be accurate in the future. We’re doing a lot with emails right now, which is still mostly in the discussion phase, so this is likely something that’ll come up as well what with various hosts starting to strengthen their incoming filters to help stop spam.”

For the domain in question, I’ve added the record for you through the 'Manage Domains' > 'DNS' page as a TXT record:

… We have now added the TXT record for with value v=spf1 Our DNS servers will start serving this
record within a couple of minutes.

My DNS records now show an SFP TXT record:


Unfortunately adding the SPF didn’t help with Google treating my DH redirects as spam. I have a hunch those come from DH’s own SMTP service (homiemail) and that service might have a reputational issue with Google, but I don’t really know what’s going on. I don’t think anyone does any more.

What about DKIM?

DH claims DKIM is set automatically and I can confirm that works, at least for a domain that was relatively recently added to DH. On the other hand when I examine that domain’s DNS settings I see several records not in my older domain. I wonder if DH has never updated DNS settings for older domains, such that they are now obsolete. OTOH, even for a new domain there were no SPF records.

And then there’s Google domain verification (postmaster services). I turned those on my adding their key to a TXT field, but a few days later it wasn’t there any more. I assume DH removed it. I’m kind of losing confidence in Dreamhost.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Why you should change your router DNS to Cloudflare and Quad9

I wrote this one for Facebook friends - reposting here. The TidBITS review is excellent.

This is roughly how things work ...

  1. Someone in your home visits a certain web site.
  2. Your home internet provider (ex: Comcast) associates that site with the identity of the Comcast account holder. They sell that information to the universe. Facebook buys it.
  3. Facebook shows the Comcast account holder ads based on the visited site.

This happens because your internet provider is your default internet directory service (DNS provider) - Comcast knows all the sites you visit and (as best we can tell) they sell that information.

It's basically an internet design flaw.

If you're a bit geeky you can change the DNS settings in your home router to someone more trustworthy than Comcast (which would be anyone else, really). In our home that's an Apple Airport. I have our settings below but your settings will vary.


We use:

Cloudflare: (their address doesn't work with some ISPs)
Quad9: (as backup)

For more information see an excellent TidBITS review. If you truly want privacy, particularly on iOS where DNS settings are a pain, you need to use a trustworthy VPN (see below).

PS. It’s easy in macOS Location settings to experiment with different settings. This is particularly important for a laptop that moves between locations. On my standard macOS Location I use Cloudflare, then Quad9, then Google. Sadly iOS DNS settings are a mess (per TIDBits):

In iOS, DNS server settings tend not to work the way most people would want them, which is as in macOS: setting the details once and having them work on every network to which you connect. The settings have to be set for each network. Worse, we’ve found in our testing that after changing DNS values, the settings revert to Automatic and the server IP addresses we entered are tossed. There’s also no way to set DNS servers for cellular connections.

In iOS you need to use trusted (not free!) VPN provider. I use TunnelBear’s free GB option, I wish I could buy blocks of data from them rather than yet another subscription. If you use a limited data capacity VPN on a Mac you should use TripMode to reduce background data use.

Update 4/22/2018: A Gizmodo article reminded me why this DNS control is more important now ….

“The FCC under Chairman Pai changed the rules in the United States for ISPs allowing ISPs to start selling your browsing history to target advertising against you,” Prince said…

They mention two popular VPNs - ProtonVPN and Private Internet Access. Curiously PIA claims TunnelBear does not protect me — which makes me a bit suspicious of PIA. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

My Instagram account was hacked -- the follow-up is interesting

I signed up for Instagram before Facebook bought them. Back then it was a curiosity of low value and I used my throwaway password. That’s the password I’ve used for over 20 years for things I don’t care about, usually things that don’t even make it into my 1,867 item password database (ok, so only 488 are likely useful).  It’s an 8 character alphanumeric — not bad by the standards of 1997 but obviously insecure now. It’s also certainly been added to many dictionaries as various services have been hacked.

After Facebook acquired instagram I think I authenticated through my Facebook account. I forgot about the old password.

Today when I launched I was notified of a login from Rio de Janeiro. When I answered that was not me I was sent to a password change screen. Evidently, like Google, Facebook/Instagram considers a valid password only a modest marker of identity (it might help that I never use the Instagram password and, in particular, I never login with the email address associated with that account, only with a username).

So no harm there — but it means someone is testing the throwaway password together with my gmail address against a range of accounts. I checked my database and there may be a few low value accounts I should clean up. Very few though …

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Google's phishing vigilance and the risk of blog comments

I got a notice from Google yesterday. had been quarantined as a phishing vector. Visitors would be warned away. I had a short time to fix the affected page that was listed below …

But there was nothing there. Same thing with a link to a downloadable spreadsheet of issues. That was empty too.

Elsewhere in the message a page was identified. It sure looked benign, the only link was to an Apple support site. It’s a (Google) blogger site and all the widgets were default Blogger. No extra HTML. No comments.

Also, despite Google’s warning, the blog was not quarantined.

A puzzle.

Oh, I left something out. The day before a published spam comment showed up in my comment tracking feed. I get a few spam comments every day or two, but this was the first published one in a while. I went to delete it … but by the time I got to Blogger’s post management menu the comment was gone.

This is what I think happened:

  • This blog was set to allow comments without approval from authenticated posters for posts less than two weeks old.
  • A bot created an authenticated identity and created a phishing attack comment.
  • Google spotted the comment, quarantined the site, and sent the notification email.
  • Blogger spam detection identified the comment author as a spammer and deleted all comments by that identity — including the one on my site (why it was gone).
  • Google rechecked my site and lifted the quarantine — but couldn’t retrieve the notification email.
  • The notification email was partly empty because that it was a query — that returned Null. It had one part that was written at time of email generation and that contained the link to the once contaminated page.

I changed comments on the blog to require authorization at all times — no two week window for authenticated users. Clearly authentication is no longer a sufficient barrier. I don’t want phishing attacks on my blog, and I don’t want to get quarantined.

This reminds me what a strange fish Blogger is. It works fairly well, though there’s a longstanding problem with CR/LF handling that reminds me too much of DOS 2.1. It gets very few, but still some, updates. Google has switched their blogs off Blogger, but they haven’t used their new proprietary RSS/Blog platform to replace Blogger. Blogger is neither dead nor alive, and Google RSS is similarly quantum.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Selling or retiring an iPhone -- I hope you disconnected Google Authenticator and Google Prompt first.

Wipe that iPhone to give to your child or sell? I’m sure you remembered to launch Google Authenticator and remove the device from your trusted device list before you erased all …

Using a new phone to receive 2-Step Verification codes - Google Account Help

… On your old phone, open the Google Authenticator application…

Oh, you forgot about this step? You are clearly inadequate.

There’s hope though. Assuming you have a computer, there’s another option hidden away …

Add or remove trusted computers - Google Account Help

… Under “Devices you trust,” select Revoke all...

Except that’s not a bit misleading. There are more options once you sign into you Google Account and dig through the “Sign-in & security” section, select Signing in to Google, and Choose 2-step verification.

There you can remove the “Google Prompt” iPhone that manages authentication via Google App. That flips authentication to an Authenticator app (OTP authentication with RFC 6238 and 4226). The Authenticator app might be Google’s, a 3rd party, or 1Password or another password manager. I use Google’s because I started with it and I’m lazy.

You can also “change phone” on Google Authenticator. Authenticator is working for my new device though — which was restored from a 6s backup. So I didn’t do that immediately. 

Instead I removed the Google Prompt device, since that was still going to my (since erased) 6s. Then I added it back to my new iPhone 8. Google had the 8’s name so I authenticated there. 

Then, because I’m a paranoid sort, once I had Google Prompt working, I went into Authenticator on my i8 and removed my Google account then setup authenticator again from the 2-step verification page (scan barcode).

I’m sure everyone knows to do this. Otherwise why would pundits keep telling us to enable 2FA on every service we care about?

PS. I think when you authenticate within Safari for iOS Google can’t identify the host device. So my list shows both “John8” (my current iPhone) and “Apple iPhone” — even though I believe they are the same thing.

PPS. I think if you want to be very careful you really should do the “Revoke all” as I suspect the old device Safari authentication can still be an issue (except I erased it, but if you’re paranoid …)

See also